Tema en 'BMW Coding' iniciado por RsT, 16 Feb 2020.

  1. RsT

    RsT En Practicas

    4 Nov 2005
    Me Gusta:
    Gran Canaria
    Buenas tardes, escribo para pedir un poco de ayuda a ver si alguien tiene idea y me puede orientar.

    Llevo días intentando hacer funcionar la parte de EDIT FDL de ESYS, he usado el Launcher 2.8.2 de Tokenmaster pero cuando intento ACTIVAR FA no lo hace, la ventana nunca termina.

    He probado con otras versiones de ESYS que me dejan ACTIVAR FA pero a la hora de modificar FDL me aparecen los árboles de directorios con puntos y no veo lo que hay que modificar...

  2. mapretel

    mapretel En Practicas

    9 Feb 2017
    Me Gusta:
    X4 F26 2.0i
    Cuando se muestran con puntos:

    A) es porque el psdzdata es una versión demasiado antigua.

    B) el modelo seleccionado no se corresponde con el real.

    C) no hay memoria suficiente, configurada para el e-sys y no puede decodificar los nombres.

    Normalmente es la C, en cualquier caso, en las carpetas de los del launcher / e-sys estará el fallo de porque no se muestran y eso te dirá la opción a corregir.

    Adjunta los logs en caso de dudas.
  3. RsT

    RsT En Practicas

    4 Nov 2005
    Me Gusta:
    Gran Canaria
    Buenas noches, gracias por responder.

    La opción A creo que no es porque el mismo esys con los mismos pszdata lo abro con icono esys o con el launcher y es donde me pasa lo que comentaba, que con el launcher puedo editar FDL pero no me deja activar FA y abriendo ESYS directamente me pasa lo contrario... no veo los nombres de los FDL pero si puedo activar FA...

    El modelo es un F30 y lo estoy haciendo con la conexión F20, correcto?

    Cuando vuelva de unos días que salgo de viaje verifico los logs... muchas gracias!
  4. mapretel

    mapretel En Practicas

    9 Feb 2017
    Me Gusta:
    X4 F26 2.0i
    Ok, esperamos a tu vuelta y nos dices !
  5. RsT

    RsT En Practicas

    4 Nov 2005
    Me Gusta:
    Gran Canaria
    Buenos días, adjunto log de cuando se bloquea en la ventana de "Activating an FA"... como me indicabas, gracias!

    20-02-21 00:05:09,626 [INFO] [] init: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,626 [INFO] [] init: Starting Log for E-Sys [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,626 [INFO] [] init: loading C:\EC-APPS\ESG\E-Sys\config\Esys.properties [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,630 [INFO] [] init: loading C:\Users\Acer\Esys\EsysUser.properties [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,658 [INFO] [] com.bmw.esys.domain.psdz.Psdz: PSdZ: Init Start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,686 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceConfiguration: initialization with property files: [psdz.properties] [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,754 [FATAL] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.base.file.Files: resource psdz/registry/noHttpServer.properties not found [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,798 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.log.facade.LogImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,798 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.facade.LogBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,834 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.event.facade.EventManagerImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,862 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.event.facade.ExternalSynchronizedHandler$AsynchronousNotificationThread: mQueue.take()before:0 [com.bmw.psdz.event.facade.ExternalSynchronizedHandler$AsynchronousNotificationThread]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,914 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.api.impl.bf.LogBF: API: setThreshold(int pThreshold) started
    Parameters: pThreshold=[5] [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:09,918 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.api.impl.bf.LogBF: API: setThreshold(int pThreshold) finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,266 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,266 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.system.pdximport.bf.PdxImportBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,266 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.facade.SoftwarelogisticBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,266 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.behaviour.impl.AdjustClassloaderBAImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,266 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.facade.KisManagerBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,266 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.facade.SollverbauungBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,270 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.facade.KisBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,270 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.facade.SollverbauungsGeneratorBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,270 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.sad.bf.SadBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,270 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.logic.facade.LogicImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,270 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.certificate.management.ba.impl.CertificateXmlServiceBAImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,274 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.certificate.management.ba.impl.CertificateXpathExtractorBAImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,274 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.certificate.management.ba.impl.CbbResponseStoreBAImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,274 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.certificate.management.ba.impl.CbbJsonHelperBAImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,274 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.certificate.management.ba.impl.BindingCalculationBAImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,274 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.certificate.management.ba.impl.JavaKeyStoreBAImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,274 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.certificate.management.ba.impl.AuthenticationBAImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,274 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.certificate.management.ba.impl.ExecutorBAImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,278 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.certificate.management.bf.BindingServiceBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,278 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.facade.ConfigurationBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,431 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.prodias.execution.DefaultDServerConfigurator [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,640 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.prodias.config.DefaultConfigurationProvider: loaded properties prodias.properties from file:/C:/EC-APPS/ESG/E-Sys/lib/environment/prodias.properties [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,644 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.prodias.config.DefaultConfigurationProvider: set logger com.bmw.prodias.execution.DefaultMCDLogicalLink to level INFO [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,644 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.prodias.config.DefaultConfigurationProvider: set logger com.bmw.prodias.db.mcddb.DefaultMCDDbFlashSegment to level INFO [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:10,644 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.prodias.config.DefaultConfigurationProvider: set logger com.bmw.prodias.flash.DefaultFlashDataProcessor to level INFO [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:13,509 [INFO] [] com.bmw.prodias.data.mcd.db.ProjectDescriptions: project cache size according to configuration: 3 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:13,706 [INFO] [] com.bmw.prodias.execution.DefaultDServerConfigurator: created DefaultDServerConfigurator for ProDiaS 3.3.0 in 3133 msec running on Java 1.8.0_92, class path= C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\esysGen.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\esysGui.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\PsdZ\psdz-api.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\PsdZ\psdz-core.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\PsdZ\resource.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\asam-api-2.0.2-bmw2.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\aspectjrt-1.8.9.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\commons-compress-1.11.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\commons-io-2.5.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\est-cm-api-1.5.0.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\gson-2.8.0.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\guava-15.0.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\iaik_eccelerate-4.0.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\iaik_eccelerate_addon-4.0.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\iaik_jce-5.3.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\jetty-servlet-7.2.2.v20101205.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\json-simple-1.1.1.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\kis-auswertelogik-api-5.7.2.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\log4j-1.2.17.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\mapstruct-1.1.0.Final.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\servlet-api-2.5.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\truezip-driver-zip-7.7.9.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\truezip-file-7.7.9.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\3rd-party\truezip-kernel-7.7.9.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\UUID\java-uuid-generator-3.1.4.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\environment\driver.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\environment\prodias.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\environment\psdz-wizard.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\environment\psdz_adaption.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\environment\xSocket-2.2-bmw.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\estcm\asbc-logger-1.4.0.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\estcm\b2v-logging-3.0.0.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\estcm\est-cm-1.5.3.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\estcm\secunit-3.1.2.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\fs\fstool-3.2.1.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\jaxb\jaxb-api-2.1.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\jaxb\jaxb-impl-2.1.2.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\jaxb\jaxb1-impl-2.1.13.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\jaxb\xsdlib-20060615.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\checker.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\checkResult.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\dom4j-1.5.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\jaxen-1.1-beta-2.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\jh.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\jsr173_1.0_api.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\odx201-cc.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\odx201.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\projectData.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\ruleList.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\saxon8-dom.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\saxon8.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\sdgval.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\xbean.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\xbean_xpath.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\txCheck\xmlbeans-qname.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\xml\serializer.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\xml\xalan.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\xml\xercesImpl.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\xml\xml-apis.jar;C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\lib\environment [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:13,742 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.api.data.InterfaceChannelConfig [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:13,766 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.core.common.configuration.PSdZFingerprintParameters [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:13,790 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.pdx.access.ba.PdxRootHolderBAImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:13,790 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.pdx.access.bf.PdxAccessManagerBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:13,802 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.pdx.access.bf.PdxAccessBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:13,806 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.vehicle.connection.bf.DServerGlobalBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:13,902 [INFO] [] com.bmw.esys.commons.SecurityHandler: Creating EST-CM instance. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:14,042 [INFO] [] com.bmw.asbc.log.ASBCLogManager: {msg=ASBC logger modul version: 01.04.00 [BasicCrypto.<clinit>, 72], b2v.reqID=T18e8568-0, hostname=acer5738g.lan, b2v.appID=unknown, b2v.component=unknown, b2v.logID=17065100682-T18e8568-0, b2v.vin=UNKNOWN, thread=main, b2v.origin=com.bmw.asbc.log.ASBCLogManager, category=UNKNOWN, userid=unknown} [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,008 [INFO] [] com.bmw.est.cm.core.ESTCM: TokenMaster Launcher PRO: EST module loaded successfully [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,008 [INFO] [] com.bmw.esys.domain.psdz.Psdz: PSdZ: setPsdzRoot to C:\Data Start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,008 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.api.impl.bf.ConfigurationBF: API: setRootDirectory(File pRootDirectory) started
    Parameters: pRootDirectory=[C:\Data] [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,008 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: setRoot started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,274 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.core.common.systemlogger.SystemInfoLogger: # SYSTEM INFORMATION # Threads: 10 # Handles: 0 # Java (used/javamem): 23,437,408 # Java (full): 36,700,160 # Java (max): 1,342,177,280 # Process (full/procmem): 203,063,296 # Process (virtual): 52,002,816 # Process (virtual max): 1,342,177,279 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,290 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will set root to C:\Data [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,290 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: PSdZ Version 5.04.02-2017-06-23T13:47:54Z [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,290 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: PSdZ API Version 5.04.02-2017-06-23T13:47:54Z [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,352 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Required minimum job version 5.9.2 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,352 [TRACE] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: first access to KIS [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,352 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: buildNewClassLoaders started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,399 [TRACE] [] com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.behaviour.impl.AdjustClassloaderBAImpl: class loader for kis.jar created, for file: file: C:\Data\psdzdata\extLibs\kis.jar, available : true [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,399 [TRACE] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader: extend class loader with: com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.classloader.KISClassLoader@15351c4, KIS Auswertelogik jar file url: file:/C:/Data/psdzdata/extLibs/kis.jar [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,399 [TRACE] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: class loader for CodeSysLib created [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,399 [TRACE] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader: extend class loader with: com.bmw.psdz.util.classloading.CodeSysLibClassLoader@140809c [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,399 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: buildNewClassLoaders finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,399 [TRACE] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader: extend class loader with: com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.classloader.KISClassLoader@15351c4, KIS Auswertelogik jar file url: file:/C:/Data/psdzdata/extLibs/kis.jar [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:15,415 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.esi.impl.KisAuswertelogikBmw [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:17,659 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.util.KisAlAdapter: loading bean resources [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:17,667 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.util.KisAlAdapter: try loading resources from classpath [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:17,667 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.util.KisAlAdapter: found 0 resources in classpath [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:17,667 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.util.KisAlAdapter: no resources found in classpath -> use META-INF/default-beans.xml instead [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:18,005 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.util.springconfig.KisNamespaceHandlerResolver: Loaded NamespaceHandler mappings: {http://www.springframework.org/sche...ns.factory.xml.SimplePropertyNamespaceHandler, http://www.springframework.org/sche...mework.beans.factory.xml.UtilNamespaceHandler, http://www.springframework.org/schema/jee=org.springframework.ejb.config.JeeNamespaceHandler, http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop=org.springframework.aop.config.AopNamespaceHandler, http://www.springframework.org/schema/cache=org.springframework.cache.config.CacheNamespaceHandler, http://www.springframework.org/sche...factory.xml.SimpleConstructorNamespaceHandler, http://www.springframework.org/sche...mework.scheduling.config.TaskNamespaceHandler, http://www.springframework.org/schema/lang=org.springframework.scripting.config.LangNamespaceHandler, http://www.springframework.org/sche...mework.context.config.ContextNamespaceHandler} [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,190 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.pdx.repository.blumap.BLUMapFactory: clearing loaded BLUMaps. 0 BLUMaps were loaded. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,190 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: cleared BLUMap-Registry. Released 0 Blumaps [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,190 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.pdx.repository.GlobalRepository [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,190 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.pdx.repository.seriesmapping.SeriesMappingFactory [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,377 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,377 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe V009, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,377 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series V009 to SGBMID fafp_00003666-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe V008, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series V008 to SGBMID fafp_00003665-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K010, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K017, new SGBMID is fafp_00001c2b-001_000_035 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F001, new SGBMID is fafp_0000001a-001_018_157 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,393 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F002, new SGBMID is fafp_0000001a-001_018_157 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F003, new SGBMID is fafp_0000001a-001_018_157 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F004, new SGBMID is fafp_0000001a-001_018_157 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K018, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,409 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F005, new SGBMID is fafp_00000270-001_001_153 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K019, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F006, new SGBMID is fafp_00000270-001_001_153 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F007, new SGBMID is fafp_0000001a-001_018_157 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe V010, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,424 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series V010 to SGBMID fafp_00003667-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,440 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,440 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe H091, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,440 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,440 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,440 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series H091 to SGBMID fafp_0000e050-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,440 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,440 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K002, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffa-001_000_030 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,440 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,440 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K003, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffa-001_000_030 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K009, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffa-001_000_030 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K007, new SGBMID is fafp_00001c2b-001_000_035 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K008, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffa-001_000_030 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe V002, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,455 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series V002 to SGBMID fafp_0000e051-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe KH02, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series KH02 to SGBMID fafp_0000e050-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K034, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K035, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K032, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe RR11, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffe-001_000_065 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,471 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K033, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe RR12, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffe-001_000_065 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F020, new SGBMID is fafp_000009b7-001_000_150 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F021, new SGBMID is fafp_000009b7-001_000_150 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F022, new SGBMID is fafp_000009b7-001_000_150 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,487 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F023, new SGBMID is fafp_000009b7-001_000_150 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F025, new SGBMID is fafp_0000062c-001_000_126 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F026, new SGBMID is fafp_0000062c-001_000_126 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe RR21, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series RR21 to SGBMID fafp_00006006-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,502 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe RR06, new SGBMID is fafp_0000001a-001_018_157 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe RR04, new SGBMID is fafp_0000001a-001_018_157 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe RR05, new SGBMID is fafp_0000001a-001_018_157 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K023, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe RR02, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,518 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series RR02 to SGBMID fafp_00000fa8-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe RR03, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series RR03 to SGBMID fafp_00000fa8-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K021, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K022, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe RR01, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series RR01 to SGBMID fafp_00000fa8-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K027, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,534 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K027 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F010, new SGBMID is fafp_00000270-001_001_153 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K028, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K028 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F011, new SGBMID is fafp_00000270-001_001_153 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K025, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K025 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,549 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F012, new SGBMID is fafp_00000270-001_001_153 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K026, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K026 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F013, new SGBMID is fafp_00000270-001_001_153 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F015, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f015-001_000_097 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K029, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,565 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K029 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F016, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f015-001_000_097 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F018, new SGBMID is fafp_00000270-001_001_153 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K052, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K053, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K050, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,580 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K051, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E070, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E070 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00e-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E071, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E071 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00e-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E072, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,596 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E072 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00e-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K054, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F040, new SGBMID is fafp_00003005-001_000_043 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G011, new SGBMID is fafp_000018f3-001_000_103 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F042, new SGBMID is fafp_00003005-001_000_043 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G013, new SGBMID is fafp_000018f3-001_000_103 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,612 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F044, new SGBMID is fafp_00003005-001_000_043 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F045, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f045-001_000_112 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G012, new SGBMID is fafp_000018f3-001_000_103 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F046, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f045-001_000_112 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G015, new SGBMID is fafp_00003001-001_000_048 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,627 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F047, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f045-001_000_112 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G014, new SGBMID is fafp_00003001-001_000_048 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F048, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f045-001_000_112 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F049, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f045-001_000_112 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G016, new SGBMID is fafp_00003001-001_000_048 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G018, new SGBMID is fafp_00003000-001_000_056 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,643 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K060, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffa-001_000_030 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K042, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K042 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K040, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K040 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K045, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E060, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,659 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E060 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00a-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K046, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E061, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E061 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00a-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K043, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K043 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe RR22, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series RR22 to SGBMID fafp_00006006-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F030, new SGBMID is fafp_00000a6a-001_000_159 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,674 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K044, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K044 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E063, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E063 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00a-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F031, new SGBMID is fafp_00000a6a-001_000_159 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K049, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,690 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E064, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E064 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00a-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F032, new SGBMID is fafp_00000a6a-001_000_159 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E065, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E065 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00b-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F033, new SGBMID is fafp_00000a6a-001_000_159 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,705 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K047, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G002, new SGBMID is fafp_00002fff-001_000_066 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E066, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E066 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00b-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F034, new SGBMID is fafp_00000a6a-001_000_159 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K048, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,721 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G001, new SGBMID is fafp_00002fff-001_000_066 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E067, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E067 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00b-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F035, new SGBMID is fafp_00000a6a-001_000_159 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E068, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E068 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00b-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F036, new SGBMID is fafp_00000a6a-001_000_159 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,737 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G006, new SGBMID is fafp_00003000-001_000_056 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G005, new SGBMID is fafp_00003000-001_000_056 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F039, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f045-001_000_112 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G008, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffc-001_000_052 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G007, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffd-001_000_053 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G009, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffd-001_000_053 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,752 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe RR31, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffe-001_000_065 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K075, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K075 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E090, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E090 to SGBMID fafp_0000e020-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K072, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K072 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E091, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E091 to SGBMID fafp_0000e020-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K073, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,768 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K073 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E092, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E092 to SGBMID fafp_0000e020-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F060, new SGBMID is fafp_00000f56-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E093, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E093 to SGBMID fafp_0000e020-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe M013, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f013-001_000_042 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G031, new SGBMID is fafp_000022c2-001_000_084 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,784 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe M012, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series M012 to SGBMID fafp_00001a4d-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G030, new SGBMID is fafp_000022c2-001_000_084 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G032, new SGBMID is fafp_000022c2-001_000_084 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K19A, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K19A to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G038, new SGBMID is fafp_00002ffb-001_000_049 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K081, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,799 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K082, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K080, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K063, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K061, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E081, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,815 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E081 to SGBMID fafp_0000e020-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K067, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E082, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E082 to SGBMID fafp_0000e020-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E083, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E083 to SGBMID fafp_0000e00f-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G020, new SGBMID is fafp_00003002-001_000_051 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E084, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,830 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E084 to SGBMID fafp_0000e020-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F052, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f045-001_000_112 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E085, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E085 to SGBMID fafp_0000e010-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G022, new SGBMID is fafp_00003002-001_000_051 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E086, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E086 to SGBMID fafp_0000e020-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F054, new SGBMID is fafp_00000f56-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G021, new SGBMID is fafp_00003002-001_000_051 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,846 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E087, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E087 to SGBMID fafp_0000e020-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F055, new SGBMID is fafp_00000f56-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K069, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G024, new SGBMID is fafp_00003002-001_000_051 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E088, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E088 to SGBMID fafp_0000e020-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,862 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F056, new SGBMID is fafp_00000f56-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G023, new SGBMID is fafp_00003002-001_000_051 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe E089, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series E089 to SGBMID fafp_0000e020-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F057, new SGBMID is fafp_00000f56-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G026, new SGBMID is fafp_00003002-001_000_051 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K18A, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,877 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K18A to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G028, new SGBMID is fafp_00003002-001_000_051 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G029, new SGBMID is fafp_00003003-001_000_048 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K070, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K070 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K071, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K071 to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F080, new SGBMID is fafp_00000a6a-001_000_159 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,893 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F082, new SGBMID is fafp_00000a6a-001_000_159 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F083, new SGBMID is fafp_00000a6a-001_000_159 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F085, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f015-001_000_097 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F086, new SGBMID is fafp_0000f015-001_000_097 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,909 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,925 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,925 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F087, new SGBMID is fafp_000009b7-001_000_150 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,925 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,925 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,929 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,929 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F088, new SGBMID is fafp_000009b7-001_000_150 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,929 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,929 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,933 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,933 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe V095, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,933 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,933 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,933 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series V095 to SGBMID fafp_0000e095-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,933 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,933 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe R055, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,933 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,937 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,937 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series R055 to SGBMID fafp_0000e030-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,937 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,937 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe R056, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,937 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,937 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,937 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series R056 to SGBMID fafp_0000e030-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,941 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,941 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe V099, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,941 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,941 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,941 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series V099 to SGBMID fafp_00002967-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,945 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,945 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K083, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,945 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,945 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,949 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,949 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K084, new SGBMID is fafp_00000775-001_000_109 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,949 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,949 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,953 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,953 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G042, new SGBMID is fafp_00006004-001_000_014 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,953 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,953 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,953 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,957 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G071, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,957 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,957 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,957 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series G071 to SGBMID fafp_00006005-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,961 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,961 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G070, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,961 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,961 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,961 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series G070 to SGBMID fafp_00006005-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,965 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,965 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe I012, new SGBMID is fafp_000009b9-001_000_106 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,965 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,965 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,965 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,969 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe I015, new SGBMID is fafp_000009b9-001_000_106 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,969 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,969 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,969 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,969 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F090, new SGBMID is fafp_000022c2-001_000_084 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,969 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,969 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,973 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,973 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G060, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,973 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,973 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,973 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series G060 to SGBMID fafp_00006007-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,977 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,977 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F091, new SGBMID is fafp_00003001-001_000_048 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,977 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,977 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,981 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,981 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F092, new SGBMID is fafp_00003001-001_000_048 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,981 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,981 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,981 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,981 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe R059, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,981 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,981 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,981 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series R059 to SGBMID fafp_0000e030-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,985 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,985 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F093, new SGBMID is fafp_00003001-001_000_048 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,985 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,985 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,989 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,989 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G061, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,989 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,989 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,989 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series G061 to SGBMID fafp_00006007-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,993 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,993 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe R057, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,993 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,993 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,993 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series R057 to SGBMID fafp_0000e030-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,993 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,993 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F095, new SGBMID is fafp_00003000-001_000_056 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,993 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,993 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,997 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,997 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe R058, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,997 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,997 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:24,997 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series R058 to SGBMID fafp_0000e030-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,001 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,001 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F096, new SGBMID is fafp_00003000-001_000_056 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,001 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,001 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,001 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,001 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F097, new SGBMID is fafp_00002fff-001_000_066 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,001 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,001 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,005 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,005 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe I001, new SGBMID is fafp_000009b9-001_000_106 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,005 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,005 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,009 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,009 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe F098, new SGBMID is fafp_00002fff-001_000_066 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,009 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,009 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,013 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,013 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G068, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,013 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,013 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,013 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series G068 to SGBMID fafp_00006007-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,013 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,013 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe R060, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,013 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,013 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,013 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series R060 to SGBMID fafp_0000e030-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,017 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,017 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe R061, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,017 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,017 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,017 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series R061 to SGBMID fafp_0000e030-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,021 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,021 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe H061, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,021 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,021 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,021 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series H061 to SGBMID fafp_0000e050-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,025 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,025 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K21A, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,025 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,025 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,025 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K21A to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,029 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,029 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G080, new SGBMID is fafp_00003002-001_000_051 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,029 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,029 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,033 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,033 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G082, new SGBMID is fafp_00003002-001_000_051 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,033 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,033 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,037 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,037 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe I020, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,037 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,037 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,037 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series I020 to SGBMID fafp_00006000-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,037 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,041 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G083, new SGBMID is fafp_00003002-001_000_051 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,041 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,041 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,041 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,041 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe G087, new SGBMID is fafp_00006004-001_000_014 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,041 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,041 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,045 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,045 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe AK02, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,045 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,045 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,045 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series AK02 to SGBMID fafp_00000727-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,049 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,049 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe AK01, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,049 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,049 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,049 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series AK01 to SGBMID fafp_00000727-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,049 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,049 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe J029, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,049 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,049 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,049 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series J029 to SGBMID fafp_00003004-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,053 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,053 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe ABR0, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,053 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,053 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,053 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series ABR0 to SGBMID fafp_00000727-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,057 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,057 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe U006, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,057 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,057 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,057 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series U006 to SGBMID fafp_00006001-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,061 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,061 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe K46A, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,061 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,061 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,061 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series K46A to SGBMID fafp_0000e040-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,061 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,061 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will change the FA2FP mapping for Entwicklungsbaureihe U011, new SGBMID is null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,061 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Changed FA2FP mapping, old SGBMID was null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,061 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: putFA2FPMapping finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,061 [WARN] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: FA2FP-Mapping: no file found to map series U011 to SGBMID fafp_00006001-000_000_000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,288 [SEC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.sad.ba.InitSecurityLibraryBA: AuSinit started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,288 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.impl.a: ****** Successfully added provider iaik.security.provider.IAIK [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,288 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.impl.a: Generate real new Instance of license validator [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,288 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.impl.TMlv328: ****** Successfully added provider iaik.security.provider.IAIK [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,288 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.impl.TMlv328: Generate real new Instance of license validator [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:25,304 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.utils.BasicUtils: Try to open XML file: C:\Data\psdzdata\security\sec_security.lic [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:27,365 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.utils.BasicUtils: Try to open XML file: C:\Data\psdzdata\security\sec_keyreference.xml [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:27,506 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.impl.a: TokenMaster Validator module loaded successfully [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:27,506 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.utils.BasicUtils: Try to open XML file: C:\Data\psdzdata\security\sec_auth_l3.xml [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:27,678 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.utils.BasicUtils: Try to open XML file: C:\Data\psdzdata\security\sec_auth_l4.xml [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:27,787 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.impl.AuSLogic: Authentication file for level 5 not found! Therefore only authentication up to level 4 is possible! [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:27,787 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.utils.BasicUtils: Try to open XML file: C:\Data\psdzdata\security\sec_ncdkeys.xml [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:27,975 [SEC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.sad.ba.InitSecurityLibraryBA: AuSinit finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:27,975 [SEC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.sad.ba.InitSecurityLibraryBA: Fzginit started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:27,975 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.utils.BasicUtils: Try to open XML file: C:\Data\psdzdata\security\sec_transkeys.xml [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,006 [SEC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.sad.ba.InitSecurityLibraryBA: Fzginit finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,006 [SEC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.sad.ba.InitSecurityLibraryBA: XMLinit started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,006 [SEC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.sad.ba.InitSecurityLibraryBA: XMLinit finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,006 [SEC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.sad.ba.InitSecurityLibraryBA: KISinit started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,006 [SEC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.sad.ba.InitSecurityLibraryBA: KISinit finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,006 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will set D-Server flash root to C:\Data [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,022 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project F001_18_11_539_V_004_000_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\F001\F001_18_11_539_V_004_000_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,053 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project F001_19_03_530_V_004_000_000 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\F001\F001_19_03_530_V_004_000_000\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,053 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project F010_18_11_520_V_004_000_000 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\F010\F010_18_11_520_V_004_000_000\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,053 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project F010_19_03_530_V_004_000_000 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\F010\F010_19_03_530_V_004_000_000\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,053 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project F020_18_11_568_V_004_001_000 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\F020\F020_18_11_568_V_004_001_000\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,053 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project F020_19_03_546_V_004_001_000 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\F020\F020_19_03_546_V_004_001_000\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,068 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project F025_18_11_520_V_004_002_000 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\F025\F025_18_11_520_V_004_002_000\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,068 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project F025_19_03_550_V_004_003_000 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\F025\F025_19_03_550_V_004_003_000\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,068 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project F056_18_11_568_V_004_000_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\F056\F056_18_11_568_V_004_000_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,068 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project F056_19_03_550_V_004_000_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\F056\F056_19_03_550_V_004_000_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,068 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project I001_18_11_559_V_004_000_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\I001\I001_18_11_559_V_004_000_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,068 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project I001_19_03_530_V_004_000_002 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\I001\I001_19_03_530_V_004_000_002\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,084 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project K001_19_03_502_V_004_000_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\K001\K001_19_03_502_V_004_000_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,084 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project KE01_19_03_500_V_004_001_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\KE01\KE01_19_03_500_V_004_001_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,084 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project KS01_19_03_501_V_004_000_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\KS01\KS01_19_03_501_V_004_000_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,084 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project M013_18_11_547_V_004_000_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\M013\M013_18_11_547_V_004_000_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,084 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project M013_19_03_540_V_004_000_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\M013\M013_19_03_540_V_004_000_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,084 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project S15A_18_11_553_V_004_000_003 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\S15A\S15A_18_11_553_V_004_000_003\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,084 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project S15A_19_03_548_V_004_000_002 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\S15A\S15A_19_03_548_V_004_000_002\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,115 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project S15C_18_11_576_V_004_000_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\S15C\S15C_18_11_576_V_004_000_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,115 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project S15C_19_03_546_V_004_000_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\S15C\S15C_19_03_546_V_004_000_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,115 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project S18A_18_11_575_V_004_000_002 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\S18A\S18A_18_11_575_V_004_000_002\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,115 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will add D-Server project S18A_19_03_548_V_004_000_001 at location C:\Data\psdzdata\mainseries\S18A\S18A_19_03_548_V_004_000_001\odx\dist [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,115 [TRACE] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader: extend class loader with: com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.classloader.KISClassLoader@15351c4, KIS Auswertelogik jar file url: file:/C:/Data/psdzdata/extLibs/kis.jar [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,115 [KIS_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.management.KISUtil: start started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,162 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.component.BusinessScopeAspect: BusinessScopeAspect before call [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,162 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.AuswertelogikBF: Starting KIS Auswertelogik 5.11.0-2018-09-26 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,209 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: no registered HSQLDB driver found: No suitable driver [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,225 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.AuswertelogikBF: system class loader: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@4c12b6 <- sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@899482 <- null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,225 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.AuswertelogikBF: context class loader: com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader@1012923{com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.classloader.KISClassLoader@15351c4, KIS Auswertelogik jar file url: file:/C:/Data/psdzdata/extLibs/kis.jar} <- com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader@1f264d{com.bmw.psdz.util.classloading.CodeSysLibClassLoader@140809c} <- sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@4c12b6 <- sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@899482 <- null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,240 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.AuswertelogikBF: com.bmw.kis.v4.export.Auswertelogik loaded by: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@4c12b6 <- sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@899482 <- null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,240 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.AuswertelogikBF: com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.AuswertelogikBF loaded by: com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.classloader.KISClassLoader@15351c4, KIS Auswertelogik jar file url: file:/C:/Data/psdzdata/extLibs/kis.jar <- sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@4c12b6 <- sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@899482 <- null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,240 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.AuswertelogikBF: com.bmw.kis.v4.export.Registry loaded by: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@4c12b6 <- sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@899482 <- null [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,412 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: HSQLDB driver registered by static initializer [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,412 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Checking path: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,428 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F001 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,428 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F001'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:28,631 [DEBUG] [] org.jboss.logging: Logging Provider: org.jboss.logging.Log4jLoggerProvider [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:33,060 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:34,284 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:35,519 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:35,519 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:35,519 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:35,519 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:35,519 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:35,909 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.IDGenerator: ID set to 739372000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:39,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:39,288 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:39,288 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:39,351 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:39,351 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@af8288 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:39,367 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:39,367 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:39,367 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F010 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:39,367 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F010'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:40,252 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:40,393 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:40,846 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:40,846 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:40,846 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:40,846 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:40,846 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:41,143 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:41,143 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:41,158 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:41,252 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:41,252 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@91027c [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:41,252 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:41,252 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:41,252 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F020 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:41,252 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F020'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:42,049 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:42,158 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:42,747 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:42,747 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:42,747 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:42,763 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:42,763 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:43,403 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:43,403 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:43,403 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:43,669 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:43,669 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@965c32 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:43,669 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:43,700 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:43,716 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F025 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:43,716 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F025'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:44,434 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:44,544 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,028 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,028 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,028 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,028 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,028 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,309 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,309 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,309 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,341 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,341 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@1eed12 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,341 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,341 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,341 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F056 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:45,341 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F056'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,137 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,216 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,606 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,606 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,606 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,622 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,622 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,825 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,825 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,825 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,903 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,903 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@fad6bd [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,903 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,903 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,903 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\I001 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:46,903 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\I001'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:47,796 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:47,952 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,626 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,642 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,642 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,642 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,642 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,829 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,845 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,845 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,892 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,907 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@17fb4b1 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,907 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,907 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,907 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\K001 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:48,907 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\K001'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:49,688 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:49,782 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,079 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,079 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,079 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,079 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,079 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,298 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,298 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,298 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,329 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,329 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@1a1bee7 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,329 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,329 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,329 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\KE01 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:50,329 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\KE01'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,157 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,235 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,298 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,298 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,298 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,298 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,298 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,470 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,485 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,485 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,485 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,485 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@1fa1019 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,485 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,485 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,485 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\KS01 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:51,485 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\KS01'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:52,423 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:52,575 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:52,675 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:52,675 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:52,675 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:52,675 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:52,675 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:53,023 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:53,023 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:53,023 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:53,038 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:53,038 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@14b3fc6 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:53,038 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:53,038 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:53,038 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\M013 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:53,038 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\M013'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:53,911 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,036 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,270 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,270 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,270 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,270 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,286 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,520 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,520 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,520 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,536 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,536 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@1405fa7 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,536 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,536 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,536 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\S15A [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:54,536 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\S15A'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:55,475 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:55,709 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,268 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,284 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,284 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,284 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,284 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,550 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,550 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,550 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,612 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,612 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@1574831 [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,612 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\S15C [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:56,612 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\S15C'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:57,472 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:57,565 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:57,903 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:57,903 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:57,903 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:57,903 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:57,903 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:58,267 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:58,271 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:58,271 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:58,291 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:58,291 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@9b16dd [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:58,291 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:58,291 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:58,291 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening WB: C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\S18A [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:58,291 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Opening KB from: 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\S18A'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,157 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.connections.pooling: HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,308 [INFO] [] hsqldb.db.HSQLDB48174420AF.ENGINE: dataFileCache open start [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,636 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,636 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,636 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,636 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,636 [WARN] [] org.hibernate.orm.deprecation: HHH90000010: The fetch attribute on <many-to-many> has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with <map>, <set>, <bag>, <idbag>, or <list>, which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,912 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.InformationWissensbasisBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all InformationWissensbasisBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,916 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.BrvBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all BrvBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,916 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.hbn.base.FahrzeugtypBEFacadeHbnBase: finding all FahrzeugtypBE instances [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,948 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will close session (rollback) [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,948 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: will rollback transaction: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl@128de1c [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: calling session.close() [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.Wissensbasis: did close session [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.data.facades.util.MultiWBManager: Found 13 KBs in path 'C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb'. [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.AuswertelogikBF: Installed knowledge bases: [Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\S18A\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=S18A, types=[51DA, 51DB, 7N72, 51CW, GV82, 73AV, 7L31, GV81, 51CY, GT42, 7N71, GV83, GT41, 51CZ, 7L32, 7K11, 7K12, 51CP, 73AP, 51CR, GT49, 51CT, 51CM, 73AK, 74EB, 61BE, 6K51, 6L72, 51DY, 6L71, 6M92, 61AV, 51DZ, 6K52, 62CP, 61AP, 61AS, 62CT, 6M91, 61AT, HF52, 5X11, HF51, 5Y34, HF53, 5Z54, 5Z57, 5Z56, 62CM, 7L52, 7K31, GT62, 7K32, 73CW, GT61, 7N92, 7M71, 7M72, 7L51, 72AS, 7N91, 50CW, 72AK, 72AM, 61DA, 50DY, 83AP, 61CP, 61CT, 61CW, 6K71, 6L92, 6L91, 5X31, HF71, 5W12, 5Y54, 5W11, 61CM, 5F18, 5Z90, 5X51, GT82, 18AK, GT81, 5F11, 5F10, 7K51, 7K52, 5F12, 5F14, 71AP, 7M91, 71AT, 7M92, 71AS, 72CT, 71AV, 71AK, 71AM, 72DZ, 72DY, 18BV, JU03, JU01, JU02, HF92, HF91, 5V11, HF93, 5X58, 5Y90, 5Y92, 5X71, 5Y91, 5V31, 5W52, 5X72, 5V30, 5W51, 71CZ, 5F32, 5F34, 18CW, 5F38, 18CT, 71CT, 5F31, TC24, 71CW, 5F30, 18CD, CY03, 81BE, CY02, JU21, CY01, JU22, 71DZ, 18DY, JU25, JU23, 81AP, 71DY, 5V32, 5Y98, 5V38, 5X91, 5W70, 5X90, 5V51, 5W72, 5W71, 5V50, 5X92, 5V52, TC43, TC42, TC41, 5F51, 7K91, TA04, 7K92, CX03, CX02, JU43, CX01, JU41, CY21, 81CZ, 28CZ, JU42, 28CW, JU45, 28CD, DZ01, 70DY, 81CW, AE02, DZ02, AE03, DZ03, 5W78, AE01, 5X98, 5V58, 5W90, 5V71, 5W92, 5W91, 5V70, 5V73, 5V72, 5U54, TB42, TB41, TC62, TC61, 5F71, 5F72, TC69, 27BE, 38BV, 27CT, 38BW, JU61, JU62, CW02, CW01, CY43, CX21, JU69, DZ21, DZ22, DZ23, 5W98, AE22, 5V78, AE23, AE21, 5V91, 38CW, 5U71, 5V92, 5R11, 38CZ, 5U73, 5R10, 5R13, 5R12, TA41, 37AK, 38CD, 38DY, CW29, JU83, CW27, JU81, CY69, JU82, CX45, CW23, CV02, CY65, CX43, CW22, CV01, CX42, CW21, CY63, CX41, CY62, CY61, DZ41, DZ43, 5R14, 5U79, 5R19, 5R18, AE43, AE41, 5U92, 14CW, 5U91, 48BW, 5R31, 5U93, 13AR, 5U98, TA68, TA64, 13AZ, TA63, 13AY, TA62, 5U90, 37CU, TA61, 13AW, 38EB, 13AL, 48CW, CX65, CW43, CV22, CY85, CX63, CW42, CV21, CX62, CW41, CY83, CX61, CY82, CY81, 5U99, 5R38, 48CD, 6R08, 59CW, AE82, 12AW, AE83, 12AV, 12AU, 6R21, AE81, 12AT, 12AS, 12AR, 12AP, 12AZ, TA84, 12AY, 24BE, 12AL, 12AK, 58BW, 23AW, 24CW, 23AT, 24CT, CV49, CV46, CV44, 23AZ, CV42, 24CZ, 23AY, DZ81, CV41, 58BV, DZ82, CW61, DZ83, 1Z17, 1Z16, 1Z15, 1Z14, 1Z13, TN12, TN11, 1Z12, 1Z11, 5R73, 5P31, 12CY, 6R41, 5P30, 11AW, 12CW, 11AV, 6P01, 58CZ, 5P32, 11AU, 6R42, 11AT, 11AS, 12CT, 6R44, 5R79, 11AR, 5R78, 12DB, 12DA, 5R71, 11AZ, 58CW, 46BW, 11AY, 12CD, 57AM, 23BA, 11AP, 12CP, 12CN, 11AM, 12CM, 11AL, 34AK, 11AK, BC22, BC21, 58DY, 12DZ, BC42, 22AX, 12DY, 34BW, BC41, 22AW, 22AU, 22AT, 22AS, 22BA, CV69, CW89, CV67, CW87, CV64, 22AZ, CV63, 22AY, CW83, CV62, CW82, CV61, FY22, CW81, CV60, FY21, 5P38, 6R48, 23CM, 6P21, 11CZ, 5P52, 11CY, 33AW, 57CZ, 11CW, 5R98, 11CT, 5P58, 33BA, 11DB, 11DA, 5R91, 5P51, 68BW, 6R61, 33AZ, 5P50, 33AY, 22BE, 11CE, 11CD, 58EB, 11CP, 11CN, 11CM, BC43, 22CZ, 68CZ, 21AY, 11DZ, 22CY, 21AX, 11DY, BC62, 21AW, 22CW, 10BW, BC61, 21AV, 21AU, 21AT, 22CU, 21AS, 22CT, 11ED, 34EB, 21BA, CR03, CR02, CR01, 68CW, 21AZ, FY42, FY41, CV82, FY43, CV81, 22CE, 22CD, 22CR, 21AP, 22CP, 22CN, 22CM, 11DM, 32AY, 32AX, 32AW, 5P79, 10CW, 32AU, 6R88, 32AS, 8357, 33DB, 32BA, 5P71, 5P73, 6P41, 79CW, 67BW, 32AZ, GW01, GW02, 78AL, 10CD, 11EP, 32AM, 33CM, 32AK, 6N12, 43AZ, 6N11, 21CZ, 21CY, 10DY, 21CW, 21CU, 21CT, 43AT, 21DB, 21DA, 78BV, 43AW, FY62, FY61, 78BW, 43AY, CR21, 21CE, 21CD, 21CR, 21CP, 21CN, 21CM, 31AZ, 31AY, 5P99, 32CY, 31AX, 5P98, 31AW, 31AV, 31AU, 31AT, 32CU, 31AS, 20CD, 5P91, 32DB, 31BA, 5P90, 32DA, 78CW, 5P93, 66BW, 6P61, 5P92, GV02, GV01, GV03, 32CE, 32CD, 31AR, 32CR, 31AP, 32CP, 31AM, 31AL, 31AK, 6M12, 32DZ, 32DY, 43DA, 20CW, 78EB, 31CD, 42AS, 43CT, 42AU, 42AW, 6N32, 6M11, 42AY, 78DY, 6N31, 42AZ, CR43, 43CM, 42AP, 21EP, 6P87, 7N12, 31CY, 6P88, 31CW, 42CD, 31CU, 53AT, 6P81, 54CW, 31DB, GW41, 31DA, 53AW, 7N11, 6P82, GV22, 54CZ, 53AY, GV21, GW42, 6P84, 53AZ, 53AK, GV23, 53AP, 31CE, 31CT, 31CR, 31CP, 31DZ, 42DA, 31DY, 54EB, 41AT, 30CD, 41AU, 42CW, 31ED, 41AW, 88CT, 6N52, CR69, 6N51, 41AY, CR68, 88CW, 41AZ, CR67, CR66, CR65, CR63, CR62, 41AP, 42CR, CR61, 41AS, 42CE, 53DB, 41CD, 41CE, 53CW, GW61, 52AW, 7N32, 52AX, GW62, GV41, 52AY, GT02, 52AZ, 7N31, GV43, GT01, 53CM, 52AL, TH24, 52AM, 52AP, 52AS, 53CT, 41BE, 41DA, 41DB, 30DY, 41CW, 63AT, 6M51, 6N72, 6N71, 41CY, 63AV, 6K11, 6L32, 41CZ, 6L31, 6K12, 5Z16, 41CR, CR83, 5Z18, CR82, CR81, 41CU, 5Z10, HF12, HF11, 41CM, 40CD, GW81, 7N51, 52CW, 51AW, GW82, 51AX, 7L12, GT22, 52CZ, 51AY, GT21, 51AZ, 7N52, 7L11, 51AM, 52CP, 51AP, 52CR, TH42, GT29, TH41, 51AS, 52CT, 51AT, TH49, 52CM, 51AL, 63DA, 40CW, 6M71, 6N92, 62AV, 6N91, 52DY, 6K31, 6L52, 6L51, 6M72, 52DZ, 6K32, 5Z37, 5Z36, 5Y18, 5Z38, 62AT, 62AS, 63CT, 5Y10, 5Z30, HF32, 5Y12, HF31, 5Y11, HF33], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\I001\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=I001, types=[8P82, 8P83, 8P81, 8P42, 8P43, 8P41, 1Z42, 1Z41, 1Z83, 1Z82, 1Z81, 7Z21, 7Z22, 7Z63, 1Z03, 1Z02, 1Z01, 7Z23, 1Z43, 7Z83, 7Z81, 7Z82, 2Z22, 2Z23, 2Z61, 2Z62, 2Z63, 2Z21, 8P22, 8P23, 8P61, 8P21, 8P62, 8P63, 1Z63, 1Z62, 1Z61, 7Z43, 7Z41, 7Z42, 1Z23, 1Z22, 1Z21, 7Z61, 7Z62, 2Z01, 2Z02, 2Z03, 2Z41, 2Z42, 2Z43], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F020\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=F020, types=[1C32, 3X71, 1C31, 3G51, 1T51, 3G52, 1V92, 3G53, 3E11, 1V91, 3E12, 3E15, 3E16, 3X61, 1E72, 2U31, 3X62, 1E71, 2U32, 3X63, 4W11, 1A02, 3X81, 1A01, 2F73, 2U51, 3X82, 1C42, 4H51, 3G62, 4H52, 3G63, 4F11, 4F12, 8N50, 8L11, 8L12, 1R12, 1R11, 3G61, 3X72, 1C41, 3X73, 1E82, 3V31, 1E81, 3V32, 1A18, 1A17, 1A14, 3X91, 3X92, 1A12, 3X93, 3V51, 1A11, 3G73, 3E31, 1R31, 3E32, 1T72, 2S12, 3G71, 2S11, 3G72, 2U52, 3X83, 1A10, 1C52, 4W31, 1C51, 1E92, 4W33, 1E91, 3T03, 4Y91, 2U71, 4Y92, 2U72, 4Y93, 2U73, 1A22, 4F31, 4F32, 8L32, 4H71, 4H72, 3G83, 1R32, 1A21, 2F93, 3V53, 1C62, 1C61, 3T13, 1A38, 3V71, 3V73, 3T31, 1P11, 3C11, 1R52, 3C13, 1R51, 3E56, 1T92, 1R50, 3C15, 1T91, 3C17, 3G91, 3G92, 3E51, 3E52, 1A32, 4W53, 4U11, 1A31, 1C72, 4U13, 1C71, 2U91, 3V81, 4W71, 4W72, 4W73, 4U31, 4D11, 8J11, 4D12, 8J12, 3C23, 8L51, 8L52, 3C27, 8J13, 1R58, 4H91, 1R57, 3E61, 3E62, 1P12, 8N90, 3C21, 1R54, 3T32, 3T33, 1A42, 1A41, 3V93, 3R11, 3T53, 3C33, 3E75, 1P32, 3E76, 1P31, 3C36, 3C37, 3C39, 3E71, 3E72, 3E73, 3C31, 3C32, 4U32, 1A52, 1A51, 1C92, 1A50, 1C91, 4W91, 4W93, 4U51, 4U52, 3T63, 4S11, 3A02, 3A03, 8J31, 3E81, 8L71, 3E82, 8L72, 3E83, 4D31, 4F73, 4D32, 3A01, 3R12, 3R13, 1A62, 1A61, 3T71, 3T73, 3R33, 1N12, 3A14, 1N11, 3A15, 1P52, 3A16, 3C58, 1P51, 3A18, 3A19, 1R91, 3E91, 3E92, 3C51, 3E93, 3A10, 3C53, 3A11, 3A12, 8Y12, 8Y13, 8Y11, 4U71, 4S31, 8Y31, 4U73, 4S32, 4B13, 8H11, 8H12, 3C61, 4F93, 4D51, 8J51, 4D52, 8J52, 3C63, 3A21, 4B11, 3A22, 4B12, 1A82, 1A81, 3R51, 3T93, 3P11, 3R53, 3P12, 1N32, 1N31, 3C73, 3A31, 3A32, 8Y33, 1A92, 1A91, 4S51, 4U93, 4S52, 3P21, 8Y52, 8W11, 8Y51, 4D71, 4D72, 3A41, 3C83, 4B31, 8H31, 3A42, 4B33, 8J71, 8J72, 1P91, 3P31, 3R73, 3P32, 3A57, 3A58, 3A59, 1L12, 1L11, 1N52, 1N51, 3C91, 3A50, 3C92, 3A51, 3C93, 3A52, 3A53, 3A54, 3A55, 3A56, 4S71, 8Y71, 4S72, 8Y74, 8Y72, 8W31, 8F13, 2M12, 8F14, 2M11, 4D91, 8J91, 4D92, 8J92, 3A61, 4B51, 4D93, 3A62, 4B52, 3A63, 3A64, 8F11, 3A65, 8F12, 8H51, 3A66, 3A67, 3R92, 1N71, 3R93, 3P51, 3P52, 3N11, 3N12, 1L32, 1L31, 3R91, 1N72, 3A71, 3A72, 3A73, 8Y78, 8Y77, 4S92, 8Y92, 8W51, 4S93, 8Y91, 8U12, 8U11, 8F36, 2M32, 2M31, 4S91, 4B71, 8H71, 3A82, 8H72, 3A83, 8F31, 8F32, 3A81, 1L51, 3P72, 3N31, 3N32, 1N91, 3N33, 1J12, 1J11, 1L52, 3P71, 3A93, 3A95, 3A96, 3A97, 3A91, 3A92, 2M51, 3L01, 8W71, 3L02, 2K13, 2M52, 8F51, 8F52, 8H91, 8H92, 8D11, 8D12, 4B91, 4B92, 1J31, 1L72, 3L11, 3N53, 1L71, 3L12, 3P91, 3P92, 1J33, 3P93, 3N51, 1J32, 12CL, 12CK, 2M73, 2K31, 8S11, 8S12, 8W91, 2K32, 8D31, 8D32, 8F71, 8F72, 12DE, 8D34, 1Y12, 1Y11, 3L32, 1H11, 1J53, 1J52, 1L93, 8330, 1J51, 8331, 3N71, 3L31, 3N73, 1H12, 2K53, 8S32, 2K52, 2M93, 2K51, 8S31, 8B19, 1Y32, 8B11, 1Y31, 8D51, 8B14, 8F91, 8F92, 3J12, 1H32, 1J73, 1H31, 1J72, 1J71, 3L51, 3N93, 3L52, 3J11, 4K12, 2K73, 8S52, 1H41, 3L61, 3L62, 8S51, 4K11, 1W12, 8B33, 1W11, 8B31, 1Y51, 8B32, 8B37, 8B35, 8B36, 3J34, 1F12, 1F11, 1J93, 1H51, 3J38, 3J39, 1J91, 3L71, 3L72, 3J31, 3Y02, 32CL, 3Y01, 2G13, 2G12, 2G11, 2K93, 3L81, 3L82, 8S72, 4K31, 4K32, 3H01, 3H02, 8S71, 8B55, 8D97, 8B56, 1W32, 1W31, 1Y72, 1Y71, 8D93, 8B52, 3Y11, 3Y12, 3J56, 1F32, 1F31, 1H72, 1H71, 3L91, 3L92, 3J50, 3J51, 3J52, 3H11, 3H12, 3J54, 3J55, 4Z13, 3Y21, 3Y22, 4Z11, 2G33, 1D01, 2G31, 4K51, 4K52, 8B77, 3Y37, 1U12, 3Y38, 1U11, 1W52, 1W51, 1Y91, 3Y31, 8B73, 3Y32, 8B71, 3Y34, 1D12, 1F53, 1D11, 1F52, 1F51, 1H93, 1H92, 3J71, 3J72, 3H31, 3H32, 1H91, 3Y41, 3Y42, 4Z33, 1D22, 2G52, 1D21, 2G51, 4K71, 4K72, 3F01, 3F02, 3F03, 8B97, 1U32, 1U31, 1W72, 1W71, 8B91, 3Y51, 8B93, 3F16, 3F17, 3F18, 3F19, 1D32, 1F73, 1D31, 1W92, 3J92, 3H51, 1W91, 3H52, 3H53, 3F14, 3F15, 3J91, 3Y61, 4Z51, 4Z52, 4X11, 4Z53, 4X12, 1D42, 2G72, 3Y81, 1D41, 4K92, 3H61, 3H62, 3H63, 4G11, 4G12, 8M10, 1S12, 1S11, 4K91, 1U51, 2G71, 3Y71, 3Y72, 3W31, 3W32, 1S18, 3F38, 3F39, 1B12, 3Y91, 1B11, 3Y92, 1D52, 1U72, 3H73, 1U71, 3F34, 3F35, 3F36, 3F37, 1F93, 3Y82, 1D51, 4Z71, 4X31, 4Z73, 4X32, 4Z91, 4Z92, 3H83, 8M30, 2T30, 8M35, 1U78, 1S32, 1S31, 1D62, 2G92, 1D61, 3W52, 2G91, 3U11, 3U12, 3Y97, 1B32, 1S52, 3D11, 1S51, 3D12, 3F54, 1U92, 3F55, 1U91, 3F56, 1U90, 3D15, 3D16, 3F59, 3H91, 3H92, 4Z93, 4X51, 1B31, 4X52, 1D72, 3U21, 4V11, 1D71, 4V12, 4X71, 4X72, 3D21, 4E11, 8K11, 3D22, 8M50, 2T50, 4E13, 8K12, 1S57, 3U31, 1B42, 3U32, 1B41, 1D82, 1D81, 3W91, 3W92, 3U51, 3W93, 3U52, 3D32, 3D33, 1S72, 3D35, 1S71, 3D36, 3D38, 3F71, 3F72, 2R12, 3D31, 3F73, 2R11, 4V31, 4V32, 1B52, 1B51, 1D91, 4X91, 4X92, 4V51, 4E32, 8K32, 3B01, 2R32, 4E33, 8K33, 3B02, 2R31, 3B03, 2R30, 8K31, 8M70, 3F81, 3F82, 3D41, 3F83, 4G73, 4E31, 3D42, 3S11, 3S12, 3S13, 1B62, 1B61, 3U71, 3U72, 3S31, 3S32, 3B12, 3B13, 3B14, 3B15, 3B16, 1S92, 3D59, 3B17, 1S91, 3B18, 3B19, 2R38, 3F91, 2R37, 3F92, 3D51, 3F93, 3D52, 3B10, 2R34, 3B11, 3D53, 8Z11, 4T11, 8Z12, 4T12, 1B72, 1B71, 4T31, 4T32, 4C12, 2P12, 2P11, 8K52, 2R52, 2T93, 2R51, 3D61, 8M92, 4G93, 4E51, 8K51, 3D62, 8M93, 4E53, 4C11, 8M91, 3U91, 3U92, 3U93, 3S51, 3S52, 3B37, 3D71, 3D72, 3B33, 8Z33, 1B91, 4T51, 4T52, 4R11, 4T53, 4R12, 2P32, 2P31, 3D81, 4E71, 3D82, 4E72, 8K72, 4C31, 4C32, 3B43, 8K71, 3S71, 3S72, 3S73, 1M13, 3B57, 1M12, 1M11, 3B59, 3D91, 3D92, 3B51, 3B52, 3B53, 3B54, 8Z53, 8X11, 8X12, 2R90, 4T71, 8Z73, 8X31, 4T73, 8X32, 8Z71, 2N13, 2N12, 8G12, 2N11, 2P52, 2P51, 4E91, 8K91, 4E92, 3B61, 4C51, 3B62, 4C52, 3B63, 4A11, 8G11, 4A12, 8K92, 3S91, 3S92, 1M32, 1M31, 3B71, 3B72, 3B73, 8X34, 4T91, 4T92, 4T93, 8V11, 4P11, 4P12, 4P13, 8Z93, 8X51, 8X52, 2N33, 2N31, 2P72, 2P71, 3B81, 3B82, 4C72, 3B83, 4A31, 4A32, 8G32, 8G31, 1K12, 1M53, 1K11, 1M51, 3B92, 3B93, 3B97, 3B91, 4R71, 8X71, 2P92, 8X72, 2P91, 4R73, 4P31, 3M01, 4P33, 8V31, 8X73, 8E17, 8E14, 2L13, 2L12, 2L11, 1K21, 2N52, 8E18, 2N51, 4A51, 4C93, 8G51, 4A52, 4A53, 8E12, 8E13, 8G52, 8G53, 8E11, 1M72, 1M71, 1M73, 8X77, 8X78, 8V51, 2N72, 4R93, 4P51, 8X93, 3M21, 2N71, 4P52, 4N11, 8X91, 8T11, 8T12, 8E38, 8E39, 8E36, 8E37, 2L33, 2L31, 8G72, 8E30, 4A73, 8E31, 8G71, 8E34, 8E35, 8E32, 8E33, 4A71, 1K52, 1K51, 1M93, 1M91, 5S92, 1K53, 2L52, 4N31, 8T31, 2L51, 4N32, 8T32, 8V71, 2N92, 2N91, 8T34, 2J13, 4P71, 3M41, 4P72, 8C11, 8E53, 8E57, 8E54, 8G91, 4A93, 3K11, 1K73, 3K12, 8T37, 8T38, 11CL, 11CK, 8R11, 4L11, 3K22, 1G01, 8464, 4L12, 2L72, 8T51, 2L71, 8T52, 8468, 8469, 8466, 8467, 8V91, 4P91, 3M61, 4P92, 4N51, 3K21, 4N52, 2J33, 1X11, 8C32, 8E74, 8C31, 8E73, 8C36, 8E79, 8C37, 11DE, 8C34, 8C35, 8E77, 8E70, 8E71, 3K33, 1G12, 8475, 1G11, 8476, 8473, 1K93, 8474, 8471, 8472, 3K31, 3K32, 1G13, 8470, 2H12, 8486, 2J53, 2H11, 8487, 2J52, 2J51, 8485, 2L92, 2L91, 8T77, 8489, 3M81, 4N71, 8T71, 3K41, 4N72, 8T72, 4L31, 3K42, 4N73, 4L32, 3Z12, 8A12, 3Z13, 1X32, 8A13, 8E97, 8C55, 1X31, 8C52, 8A11, 8A16, 8A17, 8A14, 8C56, 8A15, 8E93, 8C51, 3Z11, 8E91, 1G33, 3K51, 3K52, 3K53, 3Z23, 3Z21, 3Z22, 4J13, 2H32, 2H31, 2J73, 2J71, 4N91, 3K61, 4N92, 4L51, 3K62, 4N93, 4L52, 8T91, 8T92, 8A34, 8C76, 8A35, 8C77, 1V12, 8A32, 8C74, 1V11, 8A33, 1X51, 8A38, 8A39, 8C78, 8A36, 8A37, 8C79, 3Z31, 8A31, 3Z32, 3Z33, 1E12, 1G53, 1E11, 1G51, 3K71, 3K72, 31CL, 3X03, 3Z41, 3Z42, 3Z43, 3X01, 3X02, 2F12, 2F11, 1E22, 2H52, 1E21, 2H51, 2J92, 2J91, 3K81, 3K82, 3G01, 4J33, 3G02, 3X14, 8A56, 8C99, 8A57, 8A54, 1V31, 1X72, 1X71, 8A59, 8C91, 3Z51, 3Z52, 8A52, 3X11, 8A53, 3X12, 8C92, 8A51, 1E32, 1G73, 1E31, 3K91, 1X91, 3K92, 3G11, 3G12, 3X21, 4Y11, 3X22, 4Y12, 2F32, 2F31, 1E42, 2H72, 1E41, 2H71, 4J51, 4J52, 3G21, 4J53, 4H11, 3G22, 8N10, 3X38, 8A76, 1T12, 1T11, 1V52, 1V51, 1X92, 3Z71, 8A71, 3Z72, 3X31, 3X32, 8A74, 3X33, 8A75, 8A72, 1C12, 1C11, 1G93, 3Z91, 1E51, 1V71, 3G31, 3G32, 1C17, 2U12, 2U11, 3X41, 4Y31, 3X42, 4Y32, 3X43, 2F53, 1C22, 2F52, 1C21, 2H93, 2F51, 4J71, 3G41, 4J73, 4H31, 3G42, 4H32, 3E01, 3E02, 3E03, 8A98, 8A99, 1T32, 1T31, 1V72, 3Z92, 1E61, 3X51, 8A93, 3X52, 8A90, 3X53, 8A91, 3V11, 8A96, 3V12, 8A97, 8A94, 8A95], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\K001\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=K001, types=[0E23, 0D02, 0J41, 0E24, 0L83, 0D03, 0E21, 0L81, 0E20, 0A21, 0A22, 0131, 0L03, 0L01, 0J43, 0524, 0D82, 0L93, 0J51, 0D13, 0L91, 0F53, 0J50, 0D12, 0F51, 0D10, 0A32, 0L13, 0L11, 0J53, 0J54, 0534, 0134, 0132, 0133, 0A31, 0C04, 0J63, 0E43, 0D22, 0J61, 0D23, 0E41, 0F63, 0D21, 0F61, 0K03, 0K04, 0K01, 0L23, 0L21, 0C08, 0K00, 0C05, 0A41, 0A42, 0J73, 0C14, 0C15, 0J71, 0E54, 0D33, 0E53, 0D32, 0E51, 0D30, 0K14, 0L33, 0K13, 0L31, 0K11, 0A51, 0F01, 0J83, 0E63, 0D42, 0E64, 0J81, 0D43, 0E61, 0D40, 0K23, 0K24, 0J03, 0B08, 0K21, 0L43, 0J01, 0B09, 0F02, 0L41, 0601, 0E60, 0A61, 0602, 0603, 0F11, 0F12, 0J93, 0J94, 0J91, 0J90, 0D52, 0J13, 0L53, 0B19, 0J11, 0L51, 0K31, 0B18, 0611, 0612, 0D50, 0A71, 0613, 0E01, 0A05, 0F23, 0A06, 0L61, 0A03, 0A04, 0F21, 0A01, 0A02, 0D62, 0M01, 0J23, 0B28, 0K41, 0B29, 0J21, 0L63, 0D60, 0507, 0A81, 0L71, 0F33, 0A16, 0B38, 0A14, 0F31, 0E11, 0A15, 0A12, 0A13, 0A11, 0M13, 0M11, 0J33, 0L73, 0J31, 0B39, 0M03, 0D72, 0517], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\M013\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=M013, types=[CZ11], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F010\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=F010, types=[FU91, 5J51, FU93, FS51, 5K71, 5H11, FS52, LZ12, 5H12, LZ11, YP71, XL21, XL22, YM11, YM13, FT61, FU81, FS42, FR21, 6J31, FS41, FU83, LZ01, FR23, FR22, FR25, FR24, FR27, FR26, LZ03, FR29, LZ02, FR28, XL12, XL11, YP91, FS71, 5H31, 5J72, FS72, 5G12, 5G11, LY13, LZ33, LZ32, LY11, LZ31, FP15, FP19, 5J71, 5K91, XL41, YP93, YP92, XL42, YM31, FS62, FS61, 6H12, 6H11, LZ22, 6H13, LZ21, XL32, XL31, XL61, FR72, FR71, MZ21, FP32, FR74, MY01, LZ51, FP31, FR73, MY02, FP34, FR76, FR75, FP36, FR78, FP35, FR77, LX12, FP38, LZ53, LX11, FP37, FR79, FP39, 5J91, YM51, FS82, FS81, LZ41, 6G11, MZ11, 6H31, 6G12, 6H33, LX03, FP25, LX02, LZ43, LX01, LZ42, FP29, XL51, FR92, FR91, YM71, FR93, MY22, MX01, LW11, LX32, 5E12, MX02, LX31, 5E11, LZ72, LZ71, 5E13, MZ41, MY21, LX33, FP59, 5G52, 5G51, FR81, FR83, FP41, FR82, MY11, 6F12, LZ63, LX21, FR85, MY12, 6F11, 6H53, FR84, FP42, LZ61, FP45, 6F13, FR86, FP44, FP47, FR89, FR88, FP46, FP49, MZ31, LX22, FP48, 6J92, 6J91, 6G31, 6H52, 6H51, 6J93, LZ92, YM92, LZ91, YM91, 5T11, YM93, LW33, LX53, LW32, 5D12, LW31, LZ93, LX51, MZ61, 5D17, MY41, FP79, MY42, MX21, 5D19, MW01, MX22, 5G71, 5D11, 5E32, 5E31, XG03, LZ81, MX12, LW22, LX43, LW21, 6F33, LX42, LX41, LZ82, MZ51, MY31, MX11, MY32, 6H71, 6F31, 6H73, XH15, MY61, LX72, LW51, XH41, 5T31, LX71, XG22, XG21, 5S11, 5E56, 6D03, 6D02, 5E58, LW52, 5E57, MY62, MX41, 5D39, MW21, MX42, 5E59, 5D31, 5E52, 5E51, 5C12, 5E54, 6E22, 6D01, 5C11, 6E21, MZ71, LX61, XG11, XH31, LW43, LX63, LW42, LW41, MY51, MZ72, MX31, MY52, MX32, MW11, 6H91, 6F52, 6F51, 6F53, XG12, XG15, XG14, XG16, XG18, MY81, MY82, MX61, HR92, MW41, MX62, HR91, LW73, XG42, XH63, LW72, LX93, XG41, 5S31, LW71, LX92, LX91, 5C36, 5B15, 5C38, 5C37, MU01, 5C39, MU02, 5D51, 5E71, 5B11, 5C32, 6D21, 5C31, 5D52, 6E41, 5C34, 5B13, 6D23, 5B12, MY71, MX51, MY72, LX83, LW62, XG31, LW61, LX82, LX81, XG32, XH53, MW31, MX52, 6G91, 6G93, 6G92, 6F71, 6F73, XG35, XG34, XG37, XG36, XG38, MX81, LW91, MX82, MW61, BH91, MU21, MW63, 5S51, XG63, MU22, 5D71, 5B31, 5C52, 6D41, 5C51, 5B33, 6D43, 6B01, 5A11, 6D42, MY91, MY92, MX71, MX72, MW51, XH72, XH71, XG53, LW83, LW82, XG55, LW81, MU11, MU12, 6F91, FZ01, FZ03, FZ02, XG56, XG58, MU41, 5S71, MT21, MU42, MT22, XG83, MW81, 5A38, 5A37, 5A39, CU11, 5C72, 6D61, 5C71, 5C74, 5A32, FZ32, 6D63, 6B21, 5A31, FZ31, 5A34, 6B23, 6A02, 6B22, 6A01, 5A36, 5C77, 5A35, 6A03, 5D91, MW71, MX92, MU31, XG73, MT11, MU32, XG75, MX91, XG76, MT12, 6E93, 6E92, 6E91, XB01, 5A59, 5S91, CU31, 5A52, FZ52, 6B41, 5A51, FZ51, 5A54, 6A22, 6B43, 5A53, 6A21, 5A56, 5A55, 6A23, 5A58, 5A57, 5C99, 6D81, 5C91, XG93, MW91, FZ41, FZ42, FZ44, XB21, XA01, MU81, MT61, MU82, MT62, FW11, FZ73, 5A73, CU51, 6A41, FW12, 6A43, FW16, 5A79, FW18, 5B91, 6B61, 5A71, MT52, XB11, MU71, MT51, MU72, FZ61, FZ62, 6C91, 6C93, 6C92, XB42, XA21, FZ92, FZ91, FW31, XB41, FZ93, FV11, FW32, FW35, CU71, FV15, FW38, 6B81, 6A62, 6B83, 6A61, XB31, XB32, XA11, MU91, MU92, XA15, FZ83, FW22, FV01, FW21, FV03, FV02, FW28, 5L12, FW51, XB61, XB62, 5L11, XA41, XA42, FV31, FW52, FW55, FW54, FV33, KP93, 6A81, KP91, XA32, XB51, FV21, FW42, XB52, XA31, FW41, FU01, FU03, FW45, FW71, XB81, XB82, 5L31, XA61, FU31, XA62, FV51, FW72, 5K12, FU33, FW75, 5L32, 5K11, FT11, YP13, YP11, XA55, XB71, FV41, FW62, XB72, XA51, FW61, XA52, XA53, FW65, FW91, 5L51, XA81, FV72, FW92, XA82, FV71, 5J11, FS11, 5K31, FT31, 5J12, FS12, FS15, KN91, YP31, KN93, KN92, XB91, FV61, FW82, XA71, FW81, FT21, XA72, FU41, FU43, FU71, FV92, FV91, 5J31, 5K52, FU73, FS31, 5K51, FV93, FT51, FR12, 5J32, FR11, FS32, FR14, FR13, FR16, FR15, FR18, FR17, FR19, YP51, YP53, FV81, XA91, FT41, FV82, 6J12, FS22, FR01, 6J11, FS21, FR03, FR02, FS25], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F001\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=F001, types=[KM22, KM21, SZ41, XC02, KX81, XC01, SP03, KX83, XC82, XC81, SP91, LK42, LK41, YA01, YE85, YA03, YG41, FK41, YA02, FK42, YE01, FK43, YG42, YE03, YE02, YG44, YA81, XZ43, XZ42, YA83, YA82, YE81, 5M41, 5N61, YC41, YE83, 5M43, YE82, KC61, SP81, KB43, KA21, KC63, KB42, KB41, YG47, SP01, KB47, KB46, KB45, SN43, SN41, KB49, SN42, KM45, KM42, XC21, SZ62, SZ61, KM47, XZ81, SN71, XZ83, XZ82, YB43, YE21, YG63, YF41, 5N01, YF43, YE22, YE25, HP21, HP22, 5M61, 5N82, 5N81, 5M63, 5M62, YA21, KA41, KC83, SN61, SN62, KC81, UG25, UG24, KB66, KC87, KA43, KA42, SP23, KC01, KA47, YE29, SP21, KM41, XC41, SZ02, SZ01, YE41, YF62, 5N22, 5M01, YF61, 5N21, YE43, 5M03, YE42, YE45, HP41, YE44, YG01, HP42, 5M81, XZ01, YC81, XZ03, YA41, XZ02, YC82, YB61, YB63, KB83, KB82, SN81, KB81, SN82, KC21, KB87, KB86, YG03, YE49, SN03, KB03, YG02, KB02, SP43, SN01, KB01, SN02, SP41, SZ21, KX63, KX61, XC62, XC61, GX22, GX21, XZ41, LK22, LK21, YC21, 5M23, YF83, 5M22, YC22, YB01, YF01, YB82, YA61, YB81, KA81, YA63, YA62, YE61, 5N42, 5M21, YF81, 5N41, KA83, KA82, KA01, KB22, KB21, KA87, KC41, KM81, KB25, SN23, SN21, KB29, SN22, SP61, KM82, KB27], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F056\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=F056, types=[HW72, HU31, HW71, HU32, HU38, HU39, HU37, 62BT, YN31, WJ11, WJ12, YN32, 2W91, 2D32, 2D31, JJ71, 51DH, LN91, JJ70, 51DK, 51DL, JH31, LN93, JH32, HW91, HU52, HW92, HS11, HU51, HS10, HS12, HS14, HS16, HS19, YN51, WJ31, YL11, 6Y11, WJ32, YN52, WJ33, YL12, 62DL, 71AB, 71AA, 71AD, 71AC, 2B12, 2B11, JJ90, JH51, 2D52, XM51, JH52, 2D51, 73DH, XK11, JJ91, XM53, XM52, XK12, 71BB, YN71, WJ51, HS31, HS33, HS32, HU73, YL31, 6Y31, WJ52, YN72, WH11, WJ53, WH12, YL32, 6Y32, 18AE, XM71, 71BT, XK31, 2B32, XM73, 2B31, XM72, JH71, 2D72, XK32, JH72, 2D71, YN91, WJ71, YN93, YL51, HS51, YN92, WH31, 71DH, HS52, 82BR, 82BT, YJ11, 6W11, WH32, YL52, YJ13, 6W12, 6Y54, XM91, XK51, 6W31, XM93, XM92, JH91, JH92, XK52, 71DL, 2D92, 2D91, WJ91, YL71, HS71, WJ92, HS70, WH51, WJ93, WH52, YL72, HS72, HS75, HS77, HS78, YJ33, 6W32, 6Y74, 6Y91, XK71, 6W51, 6U11, XK72, 6W52, YL91, HS91, WH71, YJ51, WH72, YL92, HS92, YH11, YJ53, LU13, HS99, YY32, YY31, YH12, 6U12, YH14, XK91, 6W71, 6U31, XK92, 6W72, 6U32, YY12, YY11, 2B92, 2B91, WH91, YJ71, WH92, WH93, YH31, LU31, YH32, LU32, YY52, YY51, YW12, YW11, YH34, 6W91, 6U51, 6W92, 6S11, 6U52, 6S12, XV12, XV11, PJ11, YJ91, YH51, LU53, YH52, YH54, YY72, YY71, YW32, YW31, YW33, 6S14, 36AA, 6U71, 6S31, 6U72, 6S32, 6S34, XV32, XV31, LU71, LU72, YY92, YY91, 12AE, YW52, 12AD, YW51, 12AC, YU12, 12AB, YU11, YW53, 6S51, 6U92, 12BU, 6S52, 12BT, 12BR, YW36, YY77, 58BR, 6U91, XX92, XX91, XV52, XV51, XX93, XT12, 12BC, XT11, 12BB, YH93, LU92, LU91, 23BS, 23BR, YW72, YW71, YU32, YW73, YU31, YW76, YW75, YU33, 34AA, YW78, YW77, 6S72, 12DV, 10AA, 6S71, 12DJ, XV71, XT32, 12DH, XT31, 12DL, 12DK, HZ11, YU52, YW93, YU51, YS12, YS11, YW92, 23DL, YW91, 32AA, YU37, 56BR, 6S91, XR12, XR11, XV91, 7P12, 7P11, 21BU, 21BT, 21BS, 32BB, YS32, YS31, YU73, HZ31, YS33, 32AE, YS36, YU78, 32AD, 32AC, 78AA, 21BR, YU72, YU71, 32BT, 32BS, 78BR, XR32, XR31, XR33, 32BC, XT72, XT71, 7P32, HZ51, 7P31, 2X13, 21DL, 21DK, HX11, HX12, 21DH, 43BR, 54AC, 54AD, YU91, YS52, 2X11, YS51, 30AB, XP12, 32DK, XR53, XP11, 32DJ, 32DH, XT92, XT91, XR52, XR51, HX31, 7P52, HX32, HZ71, JZ11, JZ12, 2X33, YS73, 43DL, 52AB, 52AC, XP33, XR71, XP32, XP31, 52BB, 52BC, HZ91, 87BT, JZ31, HV11, JZ32, HV12, YS98, YS97, 41BR, 41BT, 52AD, 52AE, YS92, YS91, YS93, 2X54, YS96, YS95, 2E12, 2E11, 74AB, 52BR, 52BT, XR92, XR91, XR93, XP51, XN12, XN11, XP53, HV33, JZ51, JZ52, 2X71, 2X72, 41DH, 2X74, 41DK, 41DL, 50AA, 2E32, 2E31, 2X91, 2X92, 52DH, XP71, 52DK, XN32, XN31, XP73, JG16, JG14, JG19, JZ71, HV51, JZ72, HV52, HT10, HT12, HT11, HT13, 6Z12, 63DL, 6Z11, 72AA, 72AC, 72AB, 2C12, 2C11, 72AD, 2E52, 2E51, XP92, XP91, XN52, XN51, JG12, JG11, JG38, 72BB, JG37, JZ93, HT30, JZ91, HV71, JZ92, HV72, HT31, HT33, 61BR, 61BT, 6Z32, 19AE, 6Z31, 19AD, 19AB, 61DH, 2C32, 72BT, 2C31, XN72, JG31, 2E72, XN71, 2E71, JG35, JG32, JG59, HV91, HV92, 72DH, HT52, HT51, HV93, 83BR, 6Z52, 6Z51, YK12, 6X12, 61DL, YK11, 6X11, 61DK, 2A14, 6Z72, XN92, 2A12, XN91, JG52, 2A11, 2C52, XJ12, 2C51, XJ11, JG51, 2E92, 2E91, XJ13, HT72, HT71, HT74, XY11, XY12, YK32, 6X32, WG11, YK31, 6X31, WG12, 17AE, 6Z91, 6X52, 6X51, 2A34, XJ31, 2A32, 2C73, 2A31, JG73, 2C72, 2C71, 28BS, HT92, HT91, YK52, WG31, YK51, WG32, LV12, LV11, XY32, HT99, 81BT, 81BR, 6V12, WG33, 6V11, 6X72, 6X71, 6V32, XJ51, 6V31, 81DH, YZ11, YZ12, JG92, JG93, XY31, JG91, 2A54, 2A53, 2A52, 2A51, 2C93, 2C92, 2C91, YK72, WG51, YK71, WG53, LV33, LV32, LV31, YX11, 6X92, 6X91, 6V52, XJ71, 6V51, 6T12, 6T11, YZ38, XY51, XY52, 2A73, 2A72, 2A71, YK92, WG71, YK91, 26BR, WG72, WG73, LV53, 37AE, YX31, XJ92, 6V72, XJ91, 6V71, 6T32, XJ93, 6T31, YX13, YX12, YZ58, 2A91, XY71, 2A93, 2A92, WG91, WG93, LV73, LV72, LV71, YZ91, YX51, YZ93, YZ92, YV11, 6T52, 6T51, XY91, XU11, XU13, LV92, LV91, LR12, LR11, LV93, YX71, YV31, 6T72, 6T71, XU31, XU33, 13DJ, LR32, LR31, YT11, YV53, 11AE, 11AD, YT13, 11AC, YT12, 11AB, 11AA, 57AD, YX91, 11BU, 11BT, 11BS, 11BR, 57BR, 6T92, 6T91, XU51, XS11, XU52, XS12, 11BC, 11BB, LR52, LR51, 22BU, 22BT, 22BS, LR53, 22BR, YV72, WP11, YT33, YV71, 33BS, XS31, 11DK, XU73, XU72, 11DJ, XS32, 11DH, 11DG, 11DF, XU71, 11DL, LR72, LR71, 22DV, YT53, 22DK, 22DJ, HY11, 22DH, YV91, YV93, 2Y11, YV92, 22DL, 31AB, 55BR, 31AA, 33DK, XS53, XS52, 33DH, XU91, XS51, XU93, XU92, LN12, LN11, 31BC, 31BB, HY31, 31AE, 31AD, 31AC, 77AA, 77AD, YT71, 2Y31, YT72, 31BT, 31BS, 31BR, LR92, XS71, LR91, XS73, XS72, LN33, LN32, JJ11, LN31, JJ12, 42BT, HY51, HW13, 42BR, YT91, 2Y51, YT92, 75AA, 31DL, 31DK, 31DH, 31DG, 53BR, XS91, XS92, LN53, HY71, WP91, 2W31, 42DL, 51AA, 51AB, 51AC, 51AD, 2Y91, 53DH, JJ31, LN51, JJ32, 53DK, 51BB, 51BC, HW51, HY91, HU11, HW52, HU12, HU14, HU17, 51AE, 2W51, YN11, YN13, YN12, 73AB, 2D12, 2D11, 2W71, 51BR, 51BT, JJ50, JH11, LN73, JH12, LN72, JJ51, LN71], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\KS01\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=KS01, types=[0G21, 0G43, 0G11, 0G33, 0G22, 0G41, 0E33, 0G31, 0E31, 0C09, 0C19, 0G01, 0C16, 0G12, 0C06, 0G02], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\F025\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=F025, types=[KS61, KR43, KR42, KR41, KS62, KS69, 8420, 8421, 8424, 8425, LS21, 8422, 8423, XW71, XW73, KR62, KR61, KS82, KS81, 8430, KR65, KR63, WY01, WY02, 8428, 8429, 8426, 8427, LS44, 8451, WX09, KR81, WZ41, KW21, WY21, WY22, WX01, WX02, WX03, WZ51, 8462, 8463, LS64, WZ31, WY11, WZ32, WY12, 8460, 8461, WY42, WZ63, WX21, KV22, WY43, WX22, KV21, WY44, WY46, WY47, KU03, WY49, KV29, WX30, WY51, WZ73, WX31, WY52, WY39, WZ52, WY31, WZ53, WY32, WX11, WY33, WZ54, WX12, WY34, WZ56, WZ57, WY36, WZ58, WY37, WY38, WZ59, WZ61, WY41, XX19, KU23, XX12, KT02, WX44, KU22, XX11, KT01, WX45, KU21, KV42, XX14, WX46, WY67, KV41, KU27, WY69, WX49, KT04, KT03, KU29, KT08, KU28, KV49, WY71, WY72, WX51, WX52, WX53, WX32, WW11, WX34, WX35, WX36, WY57, WX38, WY59, WX39, WY61, WY62, WZ83, WX41, WX42, KU41, KV62, KW83, KV61, KW82, KW81, XW12, KS02, KS01, XW14, WX69, KS07, XW19, XX39, KS04, WY91, WX70, WY92, WX71, KT29, WX72, WX73, WX75, WW54, WW34, WX59, WY81, WY82, WX61, WX62, WX63, XX32, XW11, XX31, XW10, KU63, KS21, KT42, KU62, KT41, KU61, KR03, WX89, KU65, KR02, KT44, KR01, KS22, XW39, KR08, XW38, KR07, KR06, KS26, KT47, WX90, WX91, WX92, WX93, KR09, WX97, WX79, WX81, WX82, WX83, XW31, XX52, XW30, XX51, WX85, XW33, XW32, KS43, KT63, KS42, KT62, KS41, KT61, KS47, KR23, KS44, KS49, KS48, WX99, LS02, LS01, LS06, XW51, XW53, XW52, XW55], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\S15C\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=S15C, types=[81AF, KZ61, 21BD, 7X23, TZ81, 7Y01, 7X21, 7X43, 7X22, 7Y21, TZ01, TZ21, 7X41, TZ41, 61BD, 7Y41, 7X42, KY91, TZ61, 7X83, 7Y61, KY51, KY71, KY11, KZ31, KY31, 21AF, 61AF], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\S15A\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=S15A, types=[TX55, 51DC, TY73, TX51, TY72, UJ71, TW38, UJ79, 62BP, TF22, TF21, UJ72, UZ71, 2V51, KJ50, 2V52, 2V53, KJ55, JF02, 2V55, JF03, JF01, KJ37, KJ36, UZ55, KJ34, KJ39, UZ51, 7J03, JW01, JX22, 7J01, JY41, JY42, JX21, 51DP, JX27, TY71, VJ31, JK91, 73BJ, TW58, 61CC, TX76, TX75, TY96, TY95, 61BP, 72AG, TV41, UZ92, UZ91, KJ77, KJ59, KJ58, KJ56, UZ76, 7J28, UZ75, 2V91, UZ72, 19BJ, 7J21, JY61, 7J22, JX41, 7J23, JW21, JX42, 7J24, JV01, JW22, VJ59, TY93, TX72, VJ51, TY92, TX71, VJ52, TY91, 72BJ, 72BK, JF11, VJ57, JF12, 72BM, JF37, 72DC, TX96, TX95, KJ90, KJ95, TU42, TT21, TV63, TU41, 71AG, TV62, 18AG, TV61, KJ99, KJ98, KJ97, 7H09, KJ79, UZ96, UZ95, TU22, TV43, VJ71, TU21, 71CG, TV42, VJ72, 7H01, JW41, JX62, JV21, JW42, 7J41, JY81, JX61, JY82, JY87, JX67, JV22, 19DC, JV28, JX68, JV27, JF31, JF32, 71BH, TX92, 71BK, 83CH, TX91, 71BJ, 71BM, 71DC, JD19, 82CC, TW98, 82CH, TS13, TS12, JT11, JT12, TT43, TT42, TT41, 17AH, TV83, TV82, TV81, 83DP, VJ91, TS03, JX81, VJ92, TS02, TT23, TS01, TT22, 7H21, JW61, JW62, JV41, JW67, 18DD, 18DC, TS11, JE32, JD11, JD12, JF51, VJ97, JF52, JE31, JD13, 81CC, 28BP, TR16, 81CH, TS36, TR15, TS35, JS12, JS13, JT31, JS11, JT32, 39AH, TT63, TT62, TT61, 81BP, JW81, 7W21, JV61, JW82, 7G24, 7F03, 7G22, 7H43, 7F01, JV62, 7F02, JV63, 7G29, 7G27, 7H41, 7G21, 7H42, 7J81, TR12, TS33, JC12, TS32, TR11, TS31, JD31, JC11, JE53, TR38, JT51, 27BP, JS31, TR35, JR14, JR11, JS32, JR12, JS33, JR17, JR18, JR15, 16CV, JR16, JR19, 7V01, 7V02, TT83, TT82, TT81, 81DP, 7V21, 7W42, JV82, 7U01, 7V22, 7W43, JV83, 7W41, JV81, 7E04, 7G47, 7F23, 7E02, 7G44, 7F29, 7E08, 7E06, 7G48, 16DC, 7G42, 7F21, 7H63, JD51, 7E01, JE73, JC31, 7H61, JF91, 7G41, 7H62, JC34, JB13, JC32, TR31, TS51, JC38, 39DC, JC39, JC36, JC37, JR31, JR32, JT71, JT72, JR35, JR36, JR33, 26BZ, JR34, JR39, JR37, JR38, 7W44, 7U02, 7U03, 7V24, 7W48, 7V27, 14AG, 7U22, 7T01, 7U23, 7T02, 7V41, 7U21, 7E26, 7E27, 7G69, 7E25, 7E28, 14BF, 7H81, 7H82, 7G61, 7E22, JB31, JC52, 7D01, 7E23, JB32, JA11, 7D02, 37BL, JD71, 7G63, 7E21, JC51, TR56, JA14, TS76, TR55, JA15, TS75, JB33, JA12, TR52, JA18, TR51, TS72, 38DD, JA19, TS71, JA16, 14BG, JA17, JC59, JT91, JS71, JT92, JP11, JS72, JR51, JS73, 25BZ, 37CV, 7T06, 7V49, 7U29, 13AG, 7V61, 7V62, 7T23, 7S02, 7T21, 7T22, 7S01, 7E49, 7G89, 36BG, 7G82, JD91, 7E41, JC71, 7G81, JB53, JC74, 7C02, 7G87, 14DC, JC72, JB51, 7D21, 7E43, JB52, JA31, 7D22, 7C01, JC77, 13BK, TR73, 13BJ, JR71, JS91, JR73, JP31, JP32, JR79, 12AG, 7T27, 7V69, 7T28, 7T25, 7T26, 12AJ, 12AH, 7U62, 7T41, 7U63, 7S21, 7V81, 7U61, 7T43, 7R01, 7S22, 7R02, 12CA, 35BG, TR92, JC92, TR91, JA51, 58BH, 7C21, JC91, JA54, JA55, JC97, 7B01, JA52, JB73, 7C22, JA53, 7B03, JA58, JA59, JA56, JA57, 12BM, TR96, 12BL, TR95, 12BK, TR93, JP51, JP52, JR91, JN11, JN12, 58CV, 11AH, 11AG, 12CH, 12CG, 7T49, 7V89, 7R09, 11AJ, 7S42, 7R21, 7R22, 4M11, 7U82, 7T61, 12DX, 12DW, 7S41, 11CA, 7U81, JB93, 57BH, 7C42, JA73, 11BH, 34BF, JB91, 7A01, 7D61, JB92, JA71, 7C41, 7D62, 7A02, 12DC, JA79, 58DD, 11BN, 11BM, 11BL, 11BK, 11BJ, JN31, JM11, JN32, JP71, JP72, JM12, 11DC, 22BZ, 33AH, 79AG, 33AG, 11CH, 11CG, 22BP, 7S49, 4M32, 7T83, 7R41, 7S62, 22CX, 7R42, 11DX, 11DW, 7S69, 7T81, 7T82, JA91, 7S61, 4M31, JA94, 7A21, JA92, 7C62, JA93, 7A22, JA98, 7C69, 22CC, 7C61, 56BH, 21BZ, JL11, JM32, JL12, JN51, JN52, JM31, 21CC, YR10, 32AH, 33CH, YR15, YR16, TJ08, 11ES, 21BP, 78AG, 32AJ, 21CX, 32CB, 7R61, 7R62, 4M51, 4M52, 7S81, 32BG, JP91, 32BN, JP92, 32BM, 32BL, 55BH, 32BK, 7C81, JK12, JM52, JL31, JK11, JL32, 32DC, 31AJ, 31AH, YR34, 32CH, 32CG, 21DP, 32DX, 32DW, YR19, YR18, 31CB, 7R83, 7R81, 7R82, 31BK, 31BJ, 31BH, 31BG, 54BF, 7A61, 7B82, JN71, 7B81, 31BN, JM51, 31BM, 31BL, 7A62, TY12, TY11, JK38, 42CC, 54CV, 31DC, TY16, TY15, YR55, UJ12, YR57, UJ11, YR59, 31CH, YR58, 31CG, UJ19, 76AG, YR50, 31DX, 31DW, 4M91, 4M92, UJ02, UJ01, 7A81, 53BH, 7A83, JM72, JL51, 76BG, 7A82, 53BJ, JN91, UJ03, JM71, TY33, TX12, TX11, 87CC, 41CC, TX16, TX15, UJ35, 2V15, UJ33, 2V17, 41BP, UJ32, 2V18, 2V19, UJ31, UJ30, YR70, 31ES, 2V10, UJ39, 2V11, KJ10, 75AG, 2V12, UJ38, YR75, UJ37, 2V13, UZ12, UZ11, 52CB, 41CX, UZ16, UZ15, 52BN, 53DP, JY01, JY02, JM91, 52BH, JK52, 52BJ, 52BK, JL71, JM92, JK51, 52BL, TX36, TX35, TY56, TY55, TX33, TY53, TX32, 52DC, TY52, TX31, TY51, TW18, 63BP, UJ55, UJ53, UJ52, UJ51, UJ50, YR90, 51AG, 2V31, 51AH, 2V32, YR95, 2V33, 51AJ, UZ35, KJ15, UZ32, 51CB, UZ31, 2V50, JY21, JY22, JX01, UZ36, 51BN, JX02, VJ17, JX03, VJ18, VJ19, 74BF, JL91, 51BG, JK71, 51BH, 51BJ, VJ11, 51BK, VJ12, 51BL, 51BM, VJ14], Wissensbasis(url=jdbc:hsqldb:C:\Data\psdzdata\kiswb\KE01\KIS;shutdown=true;, brv=KE01, types=[0C03, 0C23, 0C53, 0C51]] [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.component.BusinessScopeAspect: BusinessScopeAspect after call [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.component.BusinessScope: Clear BusinessScope [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [KIS_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.management.KISUtil: start finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: getVersion started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: getVersion KIS started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [TRACE] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader: extend class loader with: com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.classloader.KISClassLoader@15351c4, KIS Auswertelogik jar file url: file:/C:/Data/psdzdata/extLibs/kis.jar [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [KIS_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.management.KISUtil: getInstallationsinformation started [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.component.BusinessScopeAspect: BusinessScopeAspect before call [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,952 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.methods.AuswertelogikMethod: Section Begin... [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,987 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.methods.GetInstallationsinformationBF: Enter getInstallationsinformation [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,987 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.methods.AuswertelogikMethod: Section Validate... [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,987 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.methods.AuswertelogikMethod: Section Open Wissensbasis... [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,987 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.methods.AuswertelogikMethod: Section Convert... [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,987 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.methods.AuswertelogikMethod: Section Validate with opened Wissensbasis... [main]
    20-02-21 00:05:59,987 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.methods.AuswertelogikMethod: Section Execute... [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,024 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.methods.AuswertelogikMethod: Section End ... [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,024 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.methods.GetInstallationsinformationBF: Version KIS-AL: 5.11.0 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,024 [INFO] [] com.bmw.kis.awl.facade.methods.GetInstallationsinformationBF: Installed knowledge bases: K001_2.2.180 (created by qx36567); F001_1.3.141 (created by qxd6411); F056_1.12.6 (created by qxu7603); M013_0.1.144 (created by qxu7603); F025_1.4.196 (created by qxo2647); S15C_0.3.173 (created by qx13249); KS01_0.0.139 (created by qxd6411); KE01_2.0.128 (created by qxd6411); F020_1.9.215 (created by qx67903); I001_1.3.213 (created by qxd6411); F010_2.3.69 (created by qxd6411); S18A_0.8.74 (created by qxw7499); S15A_0.9.90 (created by qxk9465); [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,024 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.component.BusinessScopeAspect: BusinessScopeAspect after call [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,024 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.kis.component.BusinessScope: Clear BusinessScope [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,024 [KIS_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.management.KISUtil: getInstallationsinformation finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,024 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.kis.adapter.management.KISUtil: KIS version: 5.11.0 from Wed Sep 26 00:00:00 BST 2018
    KIS-WB[1]: K001, 2.2.180 from Mon Mar 18 08:07:59 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=55, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[2]: F001, 1.3.141 from Mon Mar 04 13:10:49 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=156, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[3]: F056, 1.12.6 from Thu May 02 18:07:18 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=107, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[4]: M013, 0.1.144 from Mon Apr 01 18:37:49 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=31, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[5]: F025, 1.4.196 from Thu Apr 25 14:51:14 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=131, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[6]: S15C, 0.3.173 from Thu May 02 14:57:35 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=50, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[7]: KS01, 0.0.139 from Fri Jan 25 13:39:11 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=14, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[8]: KE01, 2.0.128 from Tue Feb 12 17:25:47 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=15, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[9]: F020, 1.9.215 from Fri May 03 14:39:37 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=147, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[10]: I001, 1.3.213 from Wed Mar 20 14:08:53 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=83, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[11]: F010, 2.3.69 from Tue Mar 05 11:03:11 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=154, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[12]: S18A, 0.8.74 from Fri May 03 10:45:46 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=48, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[13]: S15A, 0.9.90 from Thu May 02 17:52:05 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=93, [programmierbar=2] [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,024 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: getVersion KIS finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,024 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: getVersion MCD started [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [INFO] [] com.bmw.prodias.execution.mcd.System: deselected project on system DSystem0 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [INFO] [] com.bmw.prodias.execution.mcd.System: will unprepare interface for system DSystem0 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: getVersion MCD finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: loading of CodeSysLib started [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: adjustCodeSysLibClassLoading started [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: class loader for CodeSysLib already created [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [TRACE] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader: extend class loader with: com.bmw.psdz.util.classloading.CodeSysLibClassLoader@140809c [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: adjustCodeSysLibClassLoading finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: loading of CodeSysLib getMethod getVersion [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: loading of CodeSysLib invoking method getVersion [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: loading of CodeSysLib finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader: removeExtLibClassLoaderChildren started [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader: removeExtLibClassLoaderChildren finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: getVersion finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Version infos: PSdZ-Core: 5.04.02-2017-06-23T13:47:54Z
    PSdZ-API: 5.04.02-2017-06-23T13:47:54Z
    MCD : 003.003.000
    KIS : 5.11.0 from Wed Sep 26 00:00:00 BST 2018
    KIS-WB[1]: K001, 2.2.180 from Mon Mar 18 08:07:59 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=55, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[2]: F001, 1.3.141 from Mon Mar 04 13:10:49 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=156, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[3]: F056, 1.12.6 from Thu May 02 18:07:18 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=107, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[4]: M013, 0.1.144 from Mon Apr 01 18:37:49 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=31, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[5]: F025, 1.4.196 from Thu Apr 25 14:51:14 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=131, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[6]: S15C, 0.3.173 from Thu May 02 14:57:35 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=50, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[7]: KS01, 0.0.139 from Fri Jan 25 13:39:11 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=14, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[8]: KE01, 2.0.128 from Tue Feb 12 17:25:47 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=15, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[9]: F020, 1.9.215 from Fri May 03 14:39:37 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=147, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[10]: I001, 1.3.213 from Wed Mar 20 14:08:53 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=83, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[11]: F010, 2.3.69 from Tue Mar 05 11:03:11 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=154, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[12]: S18A, 0.8.74 from Fri May 03 10:45:46 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=48, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[13]: S15A, 0.9.90 from Thu May 02 17:52:05 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=93, [programmierbar=2]
    CodeSysLib : 001.012.000
    Required minimum job version: 5.9.2 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader: removeExtLibClassLoaderChildren started [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.base.classloading.ExtLibClassLoader: removeExtLibClassLoaderChildren finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,154 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.core.common.systemlogger.SystemInfoLogger: # SYSTEM INFORMATION # Threads: 24 # Handles: 0 # Java (used/javamem): 130,023,424 # Java (full): 160,432,128 # Java (max): 1,342,177,280 # Process (full/procmem): 370,937,856 # Process (virtual): 202,539,008 # Process (virtual max): 1,342,177,279 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: setRoot finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.api.impl.bf.ConfigurationBF: API: setRootDirectory(File pRootDirectory) finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] com.bmw.esys.domain.psdz.Psdz: PSdZ: setPsdzRoot Ende [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] com.bmw.esys.domain.psdz.Psdz: PSdZ: setCodingProperties [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.commons.PropertyManager: Setting coding property: DealerID to 0 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.commons.PropertyManager: Setting coding property: PlantID to 1234 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.commons.PropertyManager: Setting coding property: BusPrioritaet to [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.commons.PropertyManager: Setting coding property: ProgrammierGeraeteSeriennummer to 1000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.commons.PropertyManager: Setting coding property: ProgrammierGeraeteTyp to 01 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.commons.PropertyManager: Setting coding property: Testereinsatzkennung to FF [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.api.impl.bf.ConfigurationBF: API: setPSdZProperties(Properties pProperties) started
    Parameters: pProperties=[{ProgrammierGeraeteTyp=01, PlantID=1234, Testereinsatzkennung=FF, ProgrammierGeraeteSeriennummer=1000, BusPrioritaet=, DealerID=0}] [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: setPSdZProperties started [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: setPSdZProperties finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.api.impl.bf.ConfigurationBF: API: setPSdZProperties(Properties pProperties) finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] com.bmw.esys.domain.psdz.Psdz: PSdZ: setCodingProperties Ende [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] com.bmw.esys.domain.psdz.Psdz: PSdZ: Init Ende [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.api.impl.bf.ConfigurationBF: API: getVersion() started [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: reading version infos from cache: [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: PSdZ-Core: 5.04.02-2017-06-23T13:47:54Z
    PSdZ-API: 5.04.02-2017-06-23T13:47:54Z
    MCD : 003.003.000
    KIS : 5.11.0 from Wed Sep 26 00:00:00 BST 2018
    KIS-WB[1]: K001, 2.2.180 from Mon Mar 18 08:07:59 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=55, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[2]: F001, 1.3.141 from Mon Mar 04 13:10:49 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=156, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[3]: F056, 1.12.6 from Thu May 02 18:07:18 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=107, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[4]: M013, 0.1.144 from Mon Apr 01 18:37:49 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=31, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[5]: F025, 1.4.196 from Thu Apr 25 14:51:14 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=131, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[6]: S15C, 0.3.173 from Thu May 02 14:57:35 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=50, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[7]: KS01, 0.0.139 from Fri Jan 25 13:39:11 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=14, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[8]: KE01, 2.0.128 from Tue Feb 12 17:25:47 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=15, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[9]: F020, 1.9.215 from Fri May 03 14:39:37 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=147, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[10]: I001, 1.3.213 from Wed Mar 20 14:08:53 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=83, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[11]: F010, 2.3.69 from Tue Mar 05 11:03:11 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=154, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[12]: S18A, 0.8.74 from Fri May 03 10:45:46 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=48, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[13]: S15A, 0.9.90 from Thu May 02 17:52:05 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=93, [programmierbar=2]
    CodeSysLib : 001.012.000
    Required minimum job version: 5.9.2 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.api.impl.bf.ConfigurationBF: API: getVersion() finished [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] init: E-Sys Version: 3.30.1 (build 49938) - 2017-07-25 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] init: PSdZ Version: 5.04.02-2017-06-23T13:47:54Z [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] init: KIS Version: 5.11.0 from Wed Sep 26 00:00:00 BST 2018
    KIS-WB[1]: K001, 2.2.180 from Mon Mar 18 08:07:59 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=55, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[2]: F001, 1.3.141 from Mon Mar 04 13:10:49 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=156, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[3]: F056, 1.12.6 from Thu May 02 18:07:18 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=107, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[4]: M013, 0.1.144 from Mon Apr 01 18:37:49 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=31, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[5]: F025, 1.4.196 from Thu Apr 25 14:51:14 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=131, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[6]: S15C, 0.3.173 from Thu May 02 14:57:35 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=50, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[7]: KS01, 0.0.139 from Fri Jan 25 13:39:11 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=14, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[8]: KE01, 2.0.128 from Tue Feb 12 17:25:47 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=15, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[9]: F020, 1.9.215 from Fri May 03 14:39:37 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=147, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[10]: I001, 1.3.213 from Wed Mar 20 14:08:53 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=83, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[11]: F010, 2.3.69 from Tue Mar 05 11:03:11 GMT 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=154, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[12]: S18A, 0.8.74 from Fri May 03 10:45:46 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=48, [programmierbar=2]
    KIS-WB[13]: S15A, 0.9.90 from Thu May 02 17:52:05 BST 2019, Verwendung=3, Status=3, Anz.Istufen=93, [programmierbar=2] [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] init: CodeSys Version: 001.012.000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] init: MCD Version: 003.003.000 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] init: EST-CM Version: 01-05-03_2015-05-25_20:55:26 TokenMaster [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] init: ODX Checker Version: 1.9.12 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] init: Java Version: 1.8.0_92 in: C:\EC-Apps\ESG\E-Sys\jre [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,185 [INFO] [] init: Xerces Version: Xerces-J 2.10.0 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,201 [INFO] [] init: Xalan Version: Xalan Java 2.7.1 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,201 [INFO] [] init: Operating System: Windows 10 version: 10.0 [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,201 [INFO] [] init: User Name: Acer [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:00,201 [DEEP_TRACE] [] init: -- listing properties --
    20-02-21 00:06:02,771 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.gui.control.EsysFrame: initComponents() [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:03,918 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.gui.control.EsysFrame: initFrame() [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:03,933 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.gui.control.EsysFrame: initFrameIcon [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:03,987 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.gui.control.EsysController: create module factory [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:04,247 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.gui.control.EsysController: start dummy view [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:04,247 [INFO] [] com.bmw.esys.gui.control.EsysController: Open E-Sys without opening module "FDLEditor", because it requires an EST. [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:09,120 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.fa2fp.facade.Fa2FpUtilityImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:09,120 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.facade.Fa2FpUtilityBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:09,124 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.fa2fp.facade.Fa2FpParserImpl [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:09,124 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.facade.Fa2FpParserBF [main]
    20-02-21 00:06:17,915 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.gui.control.EsysController: prepare module Coding [AWT-EventQueue-0]
    20-02-21 00:06:23,341 [DEEP_TRACE] [] com.bmw.esys.gui.control.EsysController: open module Coding [AWT-EventQueue-0]
    20-02-21 00:06:37,908 [INFO] [] com.bmw.esys.domain.psdz.Psdz: PSdZ: generateFP Start [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,017 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding1.bf.CafParser [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,017 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding1.bf.CafFileReader [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,017 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.common.ba.impl.NcdVehicleOperationsBAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,017 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding1.ba.impl.CafEvaluatorFactoryImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,017 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.common.ba.impl.CodingVersionBAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,017 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.common.ba.impl.DecryptCafBAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,017 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.common.bf.CommonCodingServiceBF [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,017 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.ba.impl.CafXmlExtractorBAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,017 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.ba.impl.XpathEvaluatorBAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,017 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.ba.impl.KeyExpressionEvaluatorBAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,017 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.ba.impl.CodingFunctionEvaluationManagerBAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.ba.impl.ClassLoadingBAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.ba.impl.Ncd2BAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.bf.Caf2EvaluatorBF [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.ncd.behavior.impl.GenerateNcd [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.ncd.facade.NcdGeneratorBF [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.ba.impl.NcdLengthCalculatorBAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.ba.impl.CodingProofStampBAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.bf.CodingServiceBF [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding1.ba.impl.Ncd1BAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding1.bf.NcdCoding1BF [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.ba.impl.Fdl2BAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a DefaultServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.coding.coding2.bf.Fdl2FactoryBF [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.tal.behavior.impl.SweBAImpl [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.tal.facade.SweBF [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,033 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.common.registry.ServiceContainer: Created a SingletonServiceFactory for implementation com.bmw.psdz.facade.LogicBF [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,142 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.api.impl.bf.LogicBF: API: generateFP(FA pFA) started
    Parameters: pFA=[com.bmw.psdz.api.data.FA@152ea8] [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,142 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.logic.facade.LogicImpl: Will access generate FP for FA: <hidden> [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,142 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Will get FA2FP Id for F030 [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,142 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Got FA2FP Id fafp_00000a6a-001_000_159 [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,142 [UC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: getFile started [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,173 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.configuration.facade.ConfigurationImpl: Found file C:\Data\psdzdata\swe\fafp\fafp_00000a6a.fap.001_000_159 [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,267 [SEC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.fa2fp.facade.Fa2FpParserImpl: decryptVerifyXML started [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,548 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.impl.XMLLogic: Decompress CAF: start [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,579 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.impl.XMLLogic: Decompress CAF: end [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,626 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.impl.XMLLogic: Digest Value in XML: VCYsuJZS5QnmT8i90IQNa/ypmrc= [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,658 [DEBUG] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.impl.XMLLogic: Signature Value in XML DOC (BASE64 encoded): 1RqELCqskNSkkSIR7ZQCOI81I0F/QQml6mJWKBT/4V+m4N9XZKuw5dy8oSKKYkaxkQ+BYCHhnM0WSW1rvNzsnpVicpbC/NbhsYJ6RvKE71fNIhbrx+PdV1ntnr3NGxZmjcM+QQhQy+t0B7lNFNtBL1RL5CfTbVLGZwdpN+3O0pE= [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,658 [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.security.impl.XMLLogic: Valid signature. [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:38,751 [SEC_TIMING] [] com.bmw.psdz.fa2fp.facade.Fa2FpParserImpl: decryptVerifyXML finished [Thread-6]
    20-02-21 00:06:41,229 [INFO] [] com.tokenmaster.ESysLauncher: Requesting Translation for 00000A6A [Thread-6]
  6. torpedo-oxidado

    torpedo-oxidado En Practicas

    11 Jun 2007
    Me Gusta:
    esperas que alguien lea eso??
    a mi me pasaba lo mismo de los puntos y era un launcher antiguo
    pagué y funciona perfecto ahora
  7. mapretel

    mapretel En Practicas

    9 Feb 2017
    Me Gusta:
    X4 F26 2.0i
    Si los pones en un texto igual hasta se puede medio leer

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